Tuesday, November 25, 2008

11252008 - C.O. / Reserve Officer William Pattison - Sentenced - Milford PD

Also See:

Corrections Officer / Reserve Officer William Pattison charged with CSC

Officer Sentenced for Pushing Daughter Into Prostitution

A former corrections officer is sentenced for sexually abusing his daughter and pushing her into prostitution.
Posted: 10:54 AM Feb 13, 2008
Reporter: AP

PONTIAC, Mich. (AP) - A former corrections officer from Oakland County has been sentenced to 40 to 60 years in prison for sexually abusing his teenage daughter and encouraging her to advertise as an escort online.

An Oakland County jury on Tuesday found 48-year-old William Pattison of Milford guilty of first-degree criminal sexual conduct and pandering.

The daughter, now 27, tells police the abuse started in the eighth grade. She says Pattison suggested she become a prostitute when she became old enough.

The Detroit News reports Pattison helped set up a Web site and would pick up the money she earned.

The Oakland Press reports Milford police began investigating Pattison in 2006, when another relative came forward with rape allegations.

Pattison's attorney said he plans to appeal.

1 comment:

Merrilee Comstock said...

Not only did the court continue to let Bill's EX-WIFE, Denise Pattison, continue to have custody; they also allowed her to adopt our baby without even giving us notice. . .like they said they would at every hearing we were at!!! Talk about INJUSTICE HERE. . .Yes, Bill is in jail. . .but HIS HELPER, aka his EX-WIFE Denise Pattison, now has adopted our young girl when we - her blood family (I'm her great aunt. . .her REAL aunt) - have done NOTHING WRONG!!! WHY?!?!?!?!? Oh, yea, he was sentenced 02-12-2007 with 4 CSC 1ST Degree x 2 + 3RD Degree x 1 charges & jailed for 40-60 yrs currently, 1 charge of Pandering & 3 more 1ST, CSC charges & jailed for 20 years currently at Oak Correctional Facility verify at: http://www.state.mi.us/mdoc/asp/otis2profile.asp?mdocNumber=659881
The only thing missing is HER mdoc number next to HIS!!! Instead she was awarded our baby for her part in his dastardly deeds as she testified to !~(