Thursday, December 22, 2011
12222011 - Judge Lynda Tolen - Berrien County [retired]
Retired Berrien County Judge Lynda Tolen:
2010: Arrested and charged for drunk driving. Placed on probation.
2010: Arrested for a second drunk driving charge while on probation for first DUI. Setenced to 20 days in jail.
November 30, 2010: State of Michigan suspended Tolen's license to practice law for 180 days [due to her DUI convictions].
December 22, 2011: Arrested for domestic violence.
Retired Judge Arrested
Joe Garber Reporting
Posted: Saturday, 31 December 2011 10:40AM
A former Berrien County judge with a troubled past is once again in trouble. Lynda Tolen faces a misdemeanor charge of domestic violence. Tolen was arrested December 22nd after a complaint was filed by a woman. The 60 year old Tolen served 20 days in jail last year for drunk driving offenses.
Former judge in front of bench again
Lynda Tolen arraigned on domestic violence charge
Posted: Friday, December 30, 2011 12:00 am
Herald Palladium
ST. JOSEPH - Retired Berrien County Trial Court Judge Lynda Tolen, who has faced drunk driving charges in the past, was back in court this week on charges of domestic violence.
Tolen, 60, of Stevensville, who retired in 2008 after 21 years as a judge, was arraigned Tuesday on the misdemeanor charge, according to a report from WNDU-TV.
The complaint, which Chief Assistant Prosecutor Michael Sepic showed to The Herald-Palladium, stated that Tolen had assaulted a woman named Lisa Brasseur.
The complaint lists Brasseur as a resident or former resident of the same household as Tolen.
Tolen was arrested Dec. 22 and released the next day on a $1,500 bond. On conviction, the charge carries a sentence of up to 93 days in jail and/or a $500,000 fine.
In 2010, while she was on probation for impaired driving in Leelanau County, Tolen was arrested in St. Joseph for drinking and driving.
Police reported she had a blood-alcohol level three times the legal limit.
That case was moved to St. Joseph County, and Tolen served 20 days in jail after being convicted on the charge.
Sepic told WNDU-TV that he has petitioned the state attorney general's office to disqualify his office from the most recent case because of Tolen's previous position with the court.
Southwest Michigan Links:
Retired Berrien County judge back in court on domestic violence charges
Published: Friday, December 30, 2011, 2:51 PM
Updated: Friday, December 30, 2011, 2:51 PM
By Brad Devereaux
The Kalamazoo Gazette
Here's a look at some noteworthy stories from other media in southwest Michigan today:
• A retired Berrien County Trial Court judge who has been charged with drunk driving in the past was in court this week being charged with domestic violence. [Herald Palladium]
Former Berrien Co. judge arraigned on domestic violence charges
Posted: Wed 4:07 PM, Dec 28, 2011
Reporter: Newscenter 16
Updated: Wed 4:25 PM, Dec 28, 2011
A former Berrien County judge who has been in trouble with the law before, was on the other side of the bench again Tuesday.
Retired trial court judge Lynda Tolen was arraigned Tuesday on a misdemeanor charge of domestic violence.
Tolen was arrested December 22 and bonded out the next day.
A copy of the complaint against Tolen obtained by Newscenter 16 says there was an assault against a woman named Lisa Brasseur. The complaint also listed two witnesses.
Tolen was previously arrested and served 20 days behind bars for a 2010 drunk driving charge.
Chief Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Mike Sepic told Newscenter 16 on Wednesday that he has petitioned the State Attorney General's office to disqualify Berrien County from the case because of Tolen's past affiliation with the court. If approved, another county will hear the case.
Judge Tolen was also married to former Prosecutor Jim Cherry, who died in 2007.
Warren attorney reprimanded, Stevensville attorney suspended
December 4, 2010
Margaret Lucas Agius
ADB Tri-County Hearing Panel #106 reprimanded Warren attorney Sophie Modelski effective Dec. 1, 2010, the State of Michigan Attorney Discipline Board reported this week.
Modelski, licensed to practice law in Michigan in 1982, entered a plea of no contest to allegations that she neglected a bankruptcy matter, failed to seek the lawful objectives of her client, failed to act with reasonable diligence and promptness, and failed to keep her client reasonably informed of the status of the matter. Based upon the stipulation of the parties, the panel reprimanded Modelski and assessed costs of $767.26.
In another recent Attorney Discipline Board action, Kalamazoo County Hearing Panel #4 suspended Stevensville attorney and former Fifth District Court Judge Lynda A. Tolen from the practice of law in Michigan for a period of 180 days effective Nov. 30, 2010.
Tolen’s misdemeanor conviction for operating while intoxicated formed the basis for the disciplinary action. Based upon the stipulation of the parties, the panel suspended Tolen for 180 days, imposed conditions relevant to the established misconduct, and assessed costs of $755.71.
Judicial Vacancy—5th District Court
July 28, 2008
Court: 5th District Court
Location: Berrien County
Judge Vacating: Hon. Lynda A. Tolen
Application Submission Deadline: August 8, 2008
Any State Bar member interested in applying for a judgeship in their area may refer to the Governor's website or contact Erik Wilford in the Governor's Appointments Office to receive a judicial application:
Office of the Governor
Appointments Division
George W. Romney Building
111 South Capitol Avenue
Lansing, MI 48909
Judicial trailblazer
Posted: Wednesday, July 23, 2008 12:00 am
By SCOTT AIKEN, H-P Staff Writer
The Herald-Palladium
ST. JOSEPH — For more than 21 years Judge Lynda Tolen has been an important part of a court system known around the state for breaking new ground.
During her years on the bench, Berrien County was a leader in trial court consolidation, first to form a Drug Court, and tried a fresh approach in dealing with domestic violence.
Tolen, who is retiring Aug. 1, has been the only presiding judge of the civil division of Berrien County Trial Court since its inception in 1996."We've always tried to be on the cutting edge of justice programs," she said.An attorney in a successful private practice before being appointed judge in 1987, Tolen said she has always preferred working on the civil side of the system over handling criminal matters.
"From a judge's standpoint, it's much broader," she said.While civil cases may not get the publicity of criminal cases, they sometimes involve matters that greatly affect communities.
Civil cases can range from property line issues to zoning disputes, utility fights between municipalities or disputes among businesses where tens of millions of dollars are at stake.
Lawyers who practice in Berrien County say Tolen is a quick study, able to get to the heart of complex matters.St. Joseph attorney Carl Burdick has served as a local counsel in Tolen's court with lawyers from around the state and nation. They have been "almost universally impressed with her ability to grasp intricacies," he said."There aren't a whole lot of judges like that."
Tolen also has the judicial demeanor to tame the hostility that lawyers sometimes bring into the courtroom, Burdick said.Attorney Leonard "Arnie" White said Tolen presided over a complicated commercial litigation case a few years ago that involved the theft of proprietary information from National Standard Co. of Niles.
Lawyers from Los Angeles and Chicago represented parties in the case. Tolen handled the complex legal issues and lawyers with aplomb, White said. The case was eventually settled."I'm sorry to see her retire," White said.
Trial Court Judge Thomas Nelson, who presides over the court's Family Division, said Tolen provided continuity in the civil division, carrying the case burden alone at times when vacancies occurred on the bench."She has a keen intellect and real drive to serve the citizens of Berrien County," Nelson said.
An avid runner and cyclist, the 57-year-old Tolen announced earlier this month she would step down to spend more time with her two daughters and other family members. She said she plans to divide her time between Michigan and Florida.
Last year, her husband of nearly 15 years, longtime Berrien County Prosecutor James Cherry, died after a long battle with cancer.
Tolen grew up in Detroit, obtained her bachelor's and law degrees at the University of Michigan and was in private practice for 10 years before being appointed by then-Gov. James Blanchard to fill a vacancy in Berrien County Fifth District Court.She was elected to six-year terms in 1988, 1994, 2000 and 2006.Tolen was the first woman to be appointed district judge in Berrien County. In 1994 she became the first woman president of the Berrien County Bar Association.Tolen was appointed presiding judge of the civil division of trial court at its inception in October 1996.
Initially a Michigan Supreme Court experiment, the trial court consolidated district, circuit and probate courts into a single entity.The new court was divided into civil, criminal and family divisions, and judges were allowed to work in any of the three. The arrangement gave the court a lot of flexibility in assigning judges where they were needed. Supporters said it improved efficiency.The arrangement allowed district court judges to hear cases that formerly would have been in circuit court, such as civil disputes with high damage claims.Tolen said the state Legislature later made the trial court permanent.The arrangement has led to a "high degree of collegiality," Tolen said, eliminating separate courts fighting for funding and other resources.
Also, with a separate civil division, civil cases no longer take a back seat to criminal cases. Under the old system, Tolen said, civil and family matters "got jettisoned when there was a big criminal trial."
In 1990, she helped former Judge Ronald Taylor form Berrien County Drug Court, set up to quickly adjudicate felony narcotics cases. People charged with drug offenses were placed on tracks on the basis of their involvement as users, small-time sellers or major traffickers. Drug users could then be sent into treatment programs while those convicted of selling were sentenced to jail or prison.
Tolen worked with Judge Scott Schofield to create the Domestic Violence Court in 1999. With Judge Paul Maloney, now a judge in U.S. District Court, she formed the Community Court in 2002.The next goal is forming a specialized problem-solving court to deal with people with mental health problems who end up in the court system. Active in a long list of community and professional organizations, Tolen said she had to let go of those affiliations while her husband fought cancer. She worked in the Benton Harbor Area Schools Host Mentor Program, the Literacy Council, Twin City NAACP, and served n the boards of Benton Harbor Salvation Army and the YMCA of St. Joseph-Benton Harbor.Contact Scott Aiken at:
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
12212011 - River Rouge Firefighter - CSC

"I hope to God this man never gets out of jail, " says Romulus Police Chief Robert Dickerson...26-years on the force and Dickerson says he has never seen anything so horrific.
Briefs: Ex-River Rouge firefighter faces 25-38 years for child sex abuse
March 31, 2012 at 1:00 am
A former River Rouge firefighter will serve at least 25 years in prison after pleading guilty Friday to charges he sexually abused his teenage daughter. Officials with the 3rd Circuit Court said the 48-year-old man from Romulus entered the plea on two counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct with a child under 13 and three counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct with a child 13-15, and one count of possession of child sexually abusive material. He'll be sentenced by Judge Lawrence S. Talon on April 13 to a term of 25-38 years. The man's name is not being released because The Detroit News doesn't identify victims of sexual abuse.
Ex-firefighter to get at least 25 years in sex abuse case
By Christine Ferretti
The Detroit News
March 30, 2012 at 4:07 pm
Detroit— A former River Rouge firefighter will serve at least 25 years in prison after pleading guilty Friday to allegations he sexually abused his teenage daughter.
Officials with the Third Circuit Court said the 48-year-old man from Romulus entered the plea Friday on two counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct with a child under 13 and three counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct with a child 13-15, and one count of possession of child sexually abusive material.
He'll be sentenced by Circuit Judge Lawrence S. Talon on April 13 to a term of 25 to 38 years in prison, court officials said.
The man's name is not being released because The Detroit News doesn't identify victims of sexual abuse.
Ronald French, the Ecorse-based attorney representing the firefighter, could not be immediately reached Friday for comment.
He previously told The News that his client had no criminal history.
The man was charged in January after prosecutors said his daughter reported in December that her father allegedly took nude photographs of her and forced her to engage in sex acts, including intercourse. The incidents are alleged to have occurred over the course of several years.
River Rouge Police and Fire Chief Jeffrey Harris declined comment Friday, but did confirm the man was a firefighter with the department for 16 years and is no longer employed with the department.
The man was remanded to Wayne County Jail pending sentencing.
DETROIT: Former firefighter pleads guilty to sexual assault of daughter
Published: Friday, March 30, 2012
By Alan Burdziak
DETROIT— A former River Rouge firefighter accused of sexually assaulting his teenage daughter pleaded guilty in Wayne County Circuit Court today.
He faces between 25 and 38 years in prison. He was taken to the Wayne County Jail pending sentencing April 13.
The 48-year-old Romulus resident pleaded guilty to five counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct with a minor and one count of possession of child sexually abusive material.
He had previously waived his right to a preliminary examination of the evidence against him in 34th District Court.
The man’s daughter walked into the Romulus Police Department on Dec. 21 to report the assault. The man was arrested later that day.
The News-Herald does not publish the names of victims of sexual assault. Also to protect the girl’s identity, her age and her father’s name are not being released.
During a search of the man’s house and his work locker, detectives said they found evidence that supports the girl’s accusations. Police said they also have received video and written statements from the man admitting to some of the crimes. The man reportedly began to assault his daughter when she was 13.
He is a 16-year veteran of the River Rouge Fire Department.
ROMULUS: Firefighter accused of sexual assaulting daughter bound over for trial
Published: Friday, January 27, 2012
By Alan Burdziak
ROMULUS — A River Rouge firefighter accused of sexually assaulting his teenage daughter was bound over to Wayne County Circuit Court on Wednesday.
He waived his right to a preliminary examination of the evidence against him. He is to be arraigned in circuit court at 9 a.m. Wednesday.
Thirty-fourth District Judge Brian Oakley ordered him to stay on a tether between court dates.
Wayne County assistant prosecuting attorney Kinga Gorzelewski asked Oakley to reinstate the man’s bond of $250,000, which he denied.
The man, 48, is a 16-year veteran of the River Rouge Fire Department. He is charged with numerous crimes, including first-degree criminal sexual conduct.
To protect the identity of the girl, The News-Herald Newspapers is not publishing the name of the suspect or the victim’s current age. Police said the man had forced the girl into sexual acts for years, beginning when she was 13.
He was arrested Dec. 21 after the girl went to the Romulus Police Department.
During a search of the man’s home and his work locker, detectives said they found evidence that supports the girl’s accusations.
Police said they also have received video and written statements from him admitting to some of the crimes.
He was suspended from his job without pay pending a termination hearing.
River Rouge firefighter to be arraigned on charges of sexual abuse of daughter
By Candice Williams
The Detroit News
January 25, 2012 at 5:32 pm
Romulus— A Downriver firefighter accused of sexually abusing his teenage daughter was bound over to Wayne County Circuit Court on Wednesday.
The man, 48, of Romulus, waived his rights to an exam Wednesday afternoon before 34th District Court Judge Brian Oakley in Romulus.
The 16-year veteran of the River Rouge Fire Department has been charged with two counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct with a victim under age 13, three counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct with a victim 13-15 years of age, and one count of child sexually abusive material.
The man's name isn't being released because The News doesn't identify sexual abuse victims. Police said the man's daughter reported in December that her father allegedly forced her to engage in sex acts, including intercourse. The girl also reported her father took nude photos of her.
The suspect is free on a GPS tether and will appear for an arraignment Feb. 1 at the Frank Murphy Hall of Justice in Detroit.
ROMULUS: Examination adjourned for firefighter accused of incest
Published: Thursday, January 05, 2012
By Alan Burdziak
Thirty-fourth District Judge Brian Oakley will preside over a preliminary examination of the evidence against a River Rouge firefighter who is accused in the sexual assault of his teenage daughter.
ROMULUS — A preliminary examination of the evidence against a River Rouge firefighter accused of sexually assaulting his teenage daughter was adjourned Wednesday in 34th District Court.
The exam will resume at 1:30 p.m. Jan. 25.
Defense attorney Ronald French said he received a discovery packet from police yesterday that he still needs to review with his client for additional evidence.
To protect the identity of the girl, The News-Herald Newspapers is not publishing the name of the suspect. Police said he forced the girl into sexual acts for years, beginning when she was 13
Also to protect the girl, The News-Herald is not publishing her current age.
The man, 48, is a 16-year veteran of the River Rouge Fire Department. He was charged with numerous crimes including first-degree criminal sexual conduct.
At French’s request, Judge Brian Oakley set the man’s bond at $250,000/10 percent provided that he wear a tether at all times and not leave the state of Michigan.
He also had to surrender his passport.
“He’s not a flight risk,” French said. “He’s completely cooperated with police in this matter.”
Wayne County assistant prosecutor Kinga Gorzelewski argued to keep the man in custody, saying that he is a danger to himself and that he has confessed to everything in the case.
He was arrested Dec. 21 after the girl went to the Romulus police station to file a report. He was arrested a short time later without incident.
The man allegedly also took explicit photos and videos of the teen.
Police found evidence supporting the girl’s claims after they searched the man’s home and his locker at work.
Detectives also received a video and a written statement from him admitting to some of the acts the girl described.
He has been suspended from his job without pay pending a termination hearing.
Bond Reduced For Downriver Firefighter In Sex Abuse Case
January 4, 2012 1:05 PM

ROMULUS (WWJ) - The preliminary examination for a River Rouge firefighter accused of sexually abusing his daughter has been postponed until later this month.
Defense attorney Ronald French was successful in 34th District Court on Wednesday in getting the bond for the 48-year-old Romulus man reduced from $250,000 cash to 10 percent of that and a GPS tether.
The man’s 16-year-old daughter has accused him abusing her since she was 13 years old.
He’s been charged with two counts of CSC 1st degree (victim under 13 years of age), three counts of CSC 1st (victim 13-15 years of age) and one count of Child Sexually Abusive Material.
Prosecutors said the man, whose name is being withheld her to protect the alleged victim’s anonymity, confessed to all of the charges and that he has told police he is a danger to himself.
The complaint was reported to the police on December 21, 2011.
He’s expected back in court next month.
Veteran Firefighter Arrested, Charged With Vile Sex Crimes
An Absolutely Disgusting Human Being
A 16-YR. VETERAN FIREFIGHTER WITH THE RIVER ROUGE, Michigan, Fire Department was arrested last week and arraigned Monday on charges including first-degree criminal sexual conduct.
The unnamed firefighter is being accused by his 15-yr.-old daughter of using her as his sex slave, keeping her at home when not in school and performing sexual intercourse and other deviancies.
He also took explicit pornographic photos of her and required her to raise her young siblings in the absence of their mother. All the while she was going to school and pretending that everything was ok.
Earlier this month she finally "had enough" and ran away, going to her mother and telling her what was happening.
The mother and daughter then went immediately to the Romulus, Michigan, Police Dept. where they lived and filed the initial complaint.
Detectives tracked the man down and found him while he was driving his car and stopped him on the street. He was wearing his FD uniform at the time and was arrested without incident.
Acquiring search warrants, the investigators went to the man's home and seized his computers, cameras, photographs and computer disks. The also raided his locker at the fire station. The initial seizures apparently contained a large quantity of incriminating evidence.
Detectives also say that they have obtained a video tape and a written statement by the man admitting to several of the acts.

Report: River Rouge firefighter arraigned for sexually abusing teen daughter
Published: Wednesday, December 28, 2011, 2:31 PM
By Aaron Foley
The News-Herald is reporting that a River Rouge firefighter has been arraigned on criminal sexual conduct charges for repeatedly assaulting his teenage daughter, as well has being suspended from his job without pay.
Neither the man's name nor his daughter's name have been released to protect the girl's identity.
News-Herald: Police said she walked into the police station last Wednesday evening and reported that her father had forced her into numerous sex acts since she was 13 years old. The girl told officers that her father also had taken numerous nude and explicit photos of her.
As previously reported, the 48-year-old man used the girl, now 15, as a sex slave. The girl was also forced to raise her younger siblings during the ordeal.
ROMULUS: River Rouge firefighter arraigned on sexual assault of teenage daughter
Published: Monday, December 26, 2011
By David Komer
ROMULUS — A River Rouge firefighter was arrested Wednesday night for allegedly engaging in a long-term sexual relationship with his teenage daughter.
He was arraigned earlier today in 34th District Court on charges including first degree criminal sexual conduct, according to the Romulus Police Department. Bail has been set at $250,000. A preliminary examination of the evidenceday against hinmy in 34th District Court has been scheduled for 9 a.m. Jan. 4.
Police said the girl walked into the police station Wednesday evening to report that her father had forced her into numerous sex acts, including sexual intercourse with him, since she was 13 years old. Her current age is not being released by police.
The girl told officers that her father also had taken and stored numerous nude and explicit photos of her.
Shortly afterward, police located the firefighter driving near his house and arrested him without incident.
The man is a 16-year veteran of the River Rouge Fire Department. He was wearing his uniform when he was arrested.
Police obtained search warrants for his residence and for his personal locker at his fire station.
During the execution of the search warrants, detectives seized evidence supporting the allegations made by the girl.
Detectives also received a videotaped and written statement from the man admitting to many of the sex acts as described by the teen.
Police Chief Robert Dickerson said: “Although I’m pleased that this defendant is in police custody, no longer be able to prey on any other innocent children, as a parent I’m deeply saddened that this teenager was violated for years and her innocence forcibly taken from her by her own father."
Police: Firefighter Arrested For Sexual Realtionship With Teen Daughter
December 24, 2011 11:01 AM

ROMULUS (WWJ) - A Downriver Firefighter was arrested earlier this week after his teenage daughter told police she was forced into a sexual relationship with her father which lasted several years.
Police say the girl walked into Romulus police headquarters on Wednesday and reported that while living with her father over the past few years, she was forced into performing numerous sex acts with him, including sexual intercourse, starting when she was 13-years-old. The teen also reported that her father had taken and stored numerous nude and explicit photos of her.
Shortly after the report, Romulus police located the suspect driving his vehicle near his home and arrested him without incident. The suspect – a 16-year veteran firefighter of a Downriver fire department – was wearing his firefighter uniform when taken into custody.
Romulus police obtained search warrants for the suspect’s residence and for his personal locker at his fire department. During the search, detectives seized evidence supporting the allegations made by the victim. Detectives also received a video-taped and written statement from the suspect admitting to many of the sexual acts as described by the teen.
The Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office is in the process of reviewing the warrant request. Multiple charges are expected to be filed in the 34th District Court.
The firefighter’s name is not being released pending his arraignment on the charges.
The girl’s current age is not being released by police.

Report: Police say firefighter used daughter as sex slave in Romulus
Published: Saturday, December 24, 2011, 9:36 AM
Updated: Tuesday, December 27, 2011, 7:15 AM
By Michael Wayland
Police say a 48-year-old firefighter was arrested in Romulus for allegedly holding his daughter captive and using her as a sex slave.
Dec. 23, Fox 2: “The 48-year-old father is accused of sexual abuse, is a trusted public servant --a firefighter with an unnamed downriver fire department for more than16 years. He was arrested near his Romulus home, still in his firefighter uniform at the time.”
According to the television station, the 15-year-old girl says she was forced to sleep with her father, raise her younger siblings and pose for pornographic photos.
Police confiscated the man’s computers, cameras and disks after searching his home and locker at the fire station.
The girl, who said the alleged abuse started when she was 13 years old, ran away to her mother, who took her to the police.
The father, whose name has not been released, could be arraigned as early as today.
Firefighter Accused of Enslaving His Daughter and Sexually Abusing Her
Updated: Friday, 23 Dec 2011, 6:59 PM EST
Published : Friday, 23 Dec 2011, 6:33 PM EST - After two years of being held captive, used as a sex slave by her own father, a 15-year old girl walks into the Romulus Police station to get help. Police say she escaped. Now her father, a firefighter, could spend the rest of his life behind bars.
"I hope to God this man never gets out of jail, " says Romulus Police Chief Robert Dickerson.
26-years on the force and Dickerson says he has never seen anything so horrific.
The 48-year-old father is accused of sexual abuse, is a trusted public servant --a firefighter with an unnamed downriver fire department for more than16 years. He was arrested near his Romulus home, still in his firefighter uniform at the time.
The 15-year-old claims the sexual abuse started when she was just 13. Police say the man also took pornographic photos of her. They confiscated his computers, cameras, disks when they searched his home and his locker at the fire station. Lange was told he even admitted to some of what's being alleged against him.
Police say the girl had to sleep with her father , raise her younger siblings, all while going to school each day, pretending she was ok . But she had enough. She ran away to her mother, who took her to the police.
The man may be arraigned as soon as Saturday.
Chief Dickerson is urging all parents to talk to their children over this Holiday break to ind out what's really going on in their lives --at home, at school - everywhere.
And kids speak up. Dickerson says if you need to, call 911 and the police will come pick you up.

"I hope to God this man never gets out of jail, " says Romulus Police Chief Robert Dickerson...26-years on the force and Dickerson says he has never seen anything so horrific.
Briefs: Ex-River Rouge firefighter faces 25-38 years for child sex abuse
March 31, 2012 at 1:00 am
A former River Rouge firefighter will serve at least 25 years in prison after pleading guilty Friday to charges he sexually abused his teenage daughter. Officials with the 3rd Circuit Court said the 48-year-old man from Romulus entered the plea on two counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct with a child under 13 and three counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct with a child 13-15, and one count of possession of child sexually abusive material. He'll be sentenced by Judge Lawrence S. Talon on April 13 to a term of 25-38 years. The man's name is not being released because The Detroit News doesn't identify victims of sexual abuse.
Ex-firefighter to get at least 25 years in sex abuse case
By Christine Ferretti
The Detroit News
March 30, 2012 at 4:07 pm
Detroit— A former River Rouge firefighter will serve at least 25 years in prison after pleading guilty Friday to allegations he sexually abused his teenage daughter.
Officials with the Third Circuit Court said the 48-year-old man from Romulus entered the plea Friday on two counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct with a child under 13 and three counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct with a child 13-15, and one count of possession of child sexually abusive material.
He'll be sentenced by Circuit Judge Lawrence S. Talon on April 13 to a term of 25 to 38 years in prison, court officials said.
The man's name is not being released because The Detroit News doesn't identify victims of sexual abuse.
Ronald French, the Ecorse-based attorney representing the firefighter, could not be immediately reached Friday for comment.
He previously told The News that his client had no criminal history.
The man was charged in January after prosecutors said his daughter reported in December that her father allegedly took nude photographs of her and forced her to engage in sex acts, including intercourse. The incidents are alleged to have occurred over the course of several years.
River Rouge Police and Fire Chief Jeffrey Harris declined comment Friday, but did confirm the man was a firefighter with the department for 16 years and is no longer employed with the department.
The man was remanded to Wayne County Jail pending sentencing.
DETROIT: Former firefighter pleads guilty to sexual assault of daughter
Published: Friday, March 30, 2012
By Alan Burdziak
DETROIT— A former River Rouge firefighter accused of sexually assaulting his teenage daughter pleaded guilty in Wayne County Circuit Court today.
He faces between 25 and 38 years in prison. He was taken to the Wayne County Jail pending sentencing April 13.
The 48-year-old Romulus resident pleaded guilty to five counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct with a minor and one count of possession of child sexually abusive material.
He had previously waived his right to a preliminary examination of the evidence against him in 34th District Court.
The man’s daughter walked into the Romulus Police Department on Dec. 21 to report the assault. The man was arrested later that day.
The News-Herald does not publish the names of victims of sexual assault. Also to protect the girl’s identity, her age and her father’s name are not being released.
During a search of the man’s house and his work locker, detectives said they found evidence that supports the girl’s accusations. Police said they also have received video and written statements from the man admitting to some of the crimes. The man reportedly began to assault his daughter when she was 13.
He is a 16-year veteran of the River Rouge Fire Department.
ROMULUS: Firefighter accused of sexual assaulting daughter bound over for trial
Published: Friday, January 27, 2012
By Alan Burdziak
ROMULUS — A River Rouge firefighter accused of sexually assaulting his teenage daughter was bound over to Wayne County Circuit Court on Wednesday.
He waived his right to a preliminary examination of the evidence against him. He is to be arraigned in circuit court at 9 a.m. Wednesday.
Thirty-fourth District Judge Brian Oakley ordered him to stay on a tether between court dates.
Wayne County assistant prosecuting attorney Kinga Gorzelewski asked Oakley to reinstate the man’s bond of $250,000, which he denied.
The man, 48, is a 16-year veteran of the River Rouge Fire Department. He is charged with numerous crimes, including first-degree criminal sexual conduct.
To protect the identity of the girl, The News-Herald Newspapers is not publishing the name of the suspect or the victim’s current age. Police said the man had forced the girl into sexual acts for years, beginning when she was 13.
He was arrested Dec. 21 after the girl went to the Romulus Police Department.
During a search of the man’s home and his work locker, detectives said they found evidence that supports the girl’s accusations.
Police said they also have received video and written statements from him admitting to some of the crimes.
He was suspended from his job without pay pending a termination hearing.
River Rouge firefighter to be arraigned on charges of sexual abuse of daughter
By Candice Williams
The Detroit News
January 25, 2012 at 5:32 pm
Romulus— A Downriver firefighter accused of sexually abusing his teenage daughter was bound over to Wayne County Circuit Court on Wednesday.
The man, 48, of Romulus, waived his rights to an exam Wednesday afternoon before 34th District Court Judge Brian Oakley in Romulus.
The 16-year veteran of the River Rouge Fire Department has been charged with two counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct with a victim under age 13, three counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct with a victim 13-15 years of age, and one count of child sexually abusive material.
The man's name isn't being released because The News doesn't identify sexual abuse victims. Police said the man's daughter reported in December that her father allegedly forced her to engage in sex acts, including intercourse. The girl also reported her father took nude photos of her.
The suspect is free on a GPS tether and will appear for an arraignment Feb. 1 at the Frank Murphy Hall of Justice in Detroit.
ROMULUS: Examination adjourned for firefighter accused of incest
Published: Thursday, January 05, 2012
By Alan Burdziak

ROMULUS — A preliminary examination of the evidence against a River Rouge firefighter accused of sexually assaulting his teenage daughter was adjourned Wednesday in 34th District Court.
The exam will resume at 1:30 p.m. Jan. 25.
Defense attorney Ronald French said he received a discovery packet from police yesterday that he still needs to review with his client for additional evidence.
To protect the identity of the girl, The News-Herald Newspapers is not publishing the name of the suspect. Police said he forced the girl into sexual acts for years, beginning when she was 13
Also to protect the girl, The News-Herald is not publishing her current age.
The man, 48, is a 16-year veteran of the River Rouge Fire Department. He was charged with numerous crimes including first-degree criminal sexual conduct.
At French’s request, Judge Brian Oakley set the man’s bond at $250,000/10 percent provided that he wear a tether at all times and not leave the state of Michigan.
He also had to surrender his passport.
“He’s not a flight risk,” French said. “He’s completely cooperated with police in this matter.”
Wayne County assistant prosecutor Kinga Gorzelewski argued to keep the man in custody, saying that he is a danger to himself and that he has confessed to everything in the case.
He was arrested Dec. 21 after the girl went to the Romulus police station to file a report. He was arrested a short time later without incident.
The man allegedly also took explicit photos and videos of the teen.
Police found evidence supporting the girl’s claims after they searched the man’s home and his locker at work.
Detectives also received a video and a written statement from him admitting to some of the acts the girl described.
He has been suspended from his job without pay pending a termination hearing.
Bond Reduced For Downriver Firefighter In Sex Abuse Case
January 4, 2012 1:05 PM

ROMULUS (WWJ) - The preliminary examination for a River Rouge firefighter accused of sexually abusing his daughter has been postponed until later this month.
Defense attorney Ronald French was successful in 34th District Court on Wednesday in getting the bond for the 48-year-old Romulus man reduced from $250,000 cash to 10 percent of that and a GPS tether.
The man’s 16-year-old daughter has accused him abusing her since she was 13 years old.
He’s been charged with two counts of CSC 1st degree (victim under 13 years of age), three counts of CSC 1st (victim 13-15 years of age) and one count of Child Sexually Abusive Material.
Prosecutors said the man, whose name is being withheld her to protect the alleged victim’s anonymity, confessed to all of the charges and that he has told police he is a danger to himself.
The complaint was reported to the police on December 21, 2011.
He’s expected back in court next month.
Veteran Firefighter Arrested, Charged With Vile Sex Crimes
An Absolutely Disgusting Human Being
A 16-YR. VETERAN FIREFIGHTER WITH THE RIVER ROUGE, Michigan, Fire Department was arrested last week and arraigned Monday on charges including first-degree criminal sexual conduct.
The unnamed firefighter is being accused by his 15-yr.-old daughter of using her as his sex slave, keeping her at home when not in school and performing sexual intercourse and other deviancies.
He also took explicit pornographic photos of her and required her to raise her young siblings in the absence of their mother. All the while she was going to school and pretending that everything was ok.
Earlier this month she finally "had enough" and ran away, going to her mother and telling her what was happening.
The mother and daughter then went immediately to the Romulus, Michigan, Police Dept. where they lived and filed the initial complaint.
Detectives tracked the man down and found him while he was driving his car and stopped him on the street. He was wearing his FD uniform at the time and was arrested without incident.
Acquiring search warrants, the investigators went to the man's home and seized his computers, cameras, photographs and computer disks. The also raided his locker at the fire station. The initial seizures apparently contained a large quantity of incriminating evidence.
Detectives also say that they have obtained a video tape and a written statement by the man admitting to several of the acts.

Report: River Rouge firefighter arraigned for sexually abusing teen daughter
Published: Wednesday, December 28, 2011, 2:31 PM
By Aaron Foley
The News-Herald is reporting that a River Rouge firefighter has been arraigned on criminal sexual conduct charges for repeatedly assaulting his teenage daughter, as well has being suspended from his job without pay.
Neither the man's name nor his daughter's name have been released to protect the girl's identity.
News-Herald: Police said she walked into the police station last Wednesday evening and reported that her father had forced her into numerous sex acts since she was 13 years old. The girl told officers that her father also had taken numerous nude and explicit photos of her.
As previously reported, the 48-year-old man used the girl, now 15, as a sex slave. The girl was also forced to raise her younger siblings during the ordeal.
ROMULUS: River Rouge firefighter arraigned on sexual assault of teenage daughter
Published: Monday, December 26, 2011
By David Komer
ROMULUS — A River Rouge firefighter was arrested Wednesday night for allegedly engaging in a long-term sexual relationship with his teenage daughter.
He was arraigned earlier today in 34th District Court on charges including first degree criminal sexual conduct, according to the Romulus Police Department. Bail has been set at $250,000. A preliminary examination of the evidenceday against hinmy in 34th District Court has been scheduled for 9 a.m. Jan. 4.
Police said the girl walked into the police station Wednesday evening to report that her father had forced her into numerous sex acts, including sexual intercourse with him, since she was 13 years old. Her current age is not being released by police.
The girl told officers that her father also had taken and stored numerous nude and explicit photos of her.
Shortly afterward, police located the firefighter driving near his house and arrested him without incident.
The man is a 16-year veteran of the River Rouge Fire Department. He was wearing his uniform when he was arrested.
Police obtained search warrants for his residence and for his personal locker at his fire station.
During the execution of the search warrants, detectives seized evidence supporting the allegations made by the girl.
Detectives also received a videotaped and written statement from the man admitting to many of the sex acts as described by the teen.
Police Chief Robert Dickerson said: “Although I’m pleased that this defendant is in police custody, no longer be able to prey on any other innocent children, as a parent I’m deeply saddened that this teenager was violated for years and her innocence forcibly taken from her by her own father."
Police: Firefighter Arrested For Sexual Realtionship With Teen Daughter
December 24, 2011 11:01 AM

ROMULUS (WWJ) - A Downriver Firefighter was arrested earlier this week after his teenage daughter told police she was forced into a sexual relationship with her father which lasted several years.
Police say the girl walked into Romulus police headquarters on Wednesday and reported that while living with her father over the past few years, she was forced into performing numerous sex acts with him, including sexual intercourse, starting when she was 13-years-old. The teen also reported that her father had taken and stored numerous nude and explicit photos of her.
Shortly after the report, Romulus police located the suspect driving his vehicle near his home and arrested him without incident. The suspect – a 16-year veteran firefighter of a Downriver fire department – was wearing his firefighter uniform when taken into custody.
Romulus police obtained search warrants for the suspect’s residence and for his personal locker at his fire department. During the search, detectives seized evidence supporting the allegations made by the victim. Detectives also received a video-taped and written statement from the suspect admitting to many of the sexual acts as described by the teen.
The Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office is in the process of reviewing the warrant request. Multiple charges are expected to be filed in the 34th District Court.
The firefighter’s name is not being released pending his arraignment on the charges.
The girl’s current age is not being released by police.

Report: Police say firefighter used daughter as sex slave in Romulus
Published: Saturday, December 24, 2011, 9:36 AM
Updated: Tuesday, December 27, 2011, 7:15 AM
By Michael Wayland
Police say a 48-year-old firefighter was arrested in Romulus for allegedly holding his daughter captive and using her as a sex slave.
Dec. 23, Fox 2: “The 48-year-old father is accused of sexual abuse, is a trusted public servant --a firefighter with an unnamed downriver fire department for more than16 years. He was arrested near his Romulus home, still in his firefighter uniform at the time.”
According to the television station, the 15-year-old girl says she was forced to sleep with her father, raise her younger siblings and pose for pornographic photos.
Police confiscated the man’s computers, cameras and disks after searching his home and locker at the fire station.
The girl, who said the alleged abuse started when she was 13 years old, ran away to her mother, who took her to the police.
The father, whose name has not been released, could be arraigned as early as today.
Firefighter Accused of Enslaving His Daughter and Sexually Abusing Her
Updated: Friday, 23 Dec 2011, 6:59 PM EST
Published : Friday, 23 Dec 2011, 6:33 PM EST - After two years of being held captive, used as a sex slave by her own father, a 15-year old girl walks into the Romulus Police station to get help. Police say she escaped. Now her father, a firefighter, could spend the rest of his life behind bars.
"I hope to God this man never gets out of jail, " says Romulus Police Chief Robert Dickerson.
26-years on the force and Dickerson says he has never seen anything so horrific.
The 48-year-old father is accused of sexual abuse, is a trusted public servant --a firefighter with an unnamed downriver fire department for more than16 years. He was arrested near his Romulus home, still in his firefighter uniform at the time.
The 15-year-old claims the sexual abuse started when she was just 13. Police say the man also took pornographic photos of her. They confiscated his computers, cameras, disks when they searched his home and his locker at the fire station. Lange was told he even admitted to some of what's being alleged against him.
Police say the girl had to sleep with her father , raise her younger siblings, all while going to school each day, pretending she was ok . But she had enough. She ran away to her mother, who took her to the police.
The man may be arraigned as soon as Saturday.
Chief Dickerson is urging all parents to talk to their children over this Holiday break to ind out what's really going on in their lives --at home, at school - everywhere.
And kids speak up. Dickerson says if you need to, call 911 and the police will come pick you up.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
11292011 - Former Bad Axe Police Chief Gary Bucholtz - Kidnapping And Murder Of Estranged Wife Rhonda Bucholtz
On the evening of November 29th, former Police Chief Gary Bucholtz kidnapped his ex-wife, Rhonda Bucholtz. Police discovered the bodies of Gary and Rhonda in Heb's Inn and Hotel [Mason, MI], the following day. Chief Bucholtz had murdered / shot his wife and then committed suicide.
Police are uncertain as to why Bucholtz drove Rhonda all the way from their hometown of Port Hope to Mason, MI
Sadly, this is not the first tragedy Rhonda's family has recently faced. On November 20th, Rhonda's nephew Brent Tinsley [Ubly, MI], was murdered. The case is still under investigation.
Missing persons case could have ties to a murder-suicide
ABC12 News
Nov 30, 2011
HURON COUNTY (WJRT) -(11/30/11) - A missing persons search out of Huron County could be linked to what investigators are calling a suspected murder-suicide case in Ingham County.
The Huron County Sheriff's Department says Gary Bucholtz and Rhonda Bucholtz of Port Hope were last seen Monday evening. Family members reported them missing Tuesday afternoon, expressing concern over marital issues between the couple.
Detectives were contacted by the Mason Police Department, south of Lansing, about two people found dead in a motel room. A van belonging to the Bucholtz's was parked in the lot.
Both victims died from gunshot wounds and a positive identification is pending.
Mason Police say it appears the man shot the woman and them himself
More details emerge regarding apparent murder-suicide involving former Bad Axe Police chief, wife
The Bay City Times
November 30, 2011
BAD AXE — Huron County investigators say they believe a man and woman found dead in an Ingham County motel room are a former Bad Axe Police chief and his wife.
Gary E. Bucholtz, 58, and his 38-year-old wife, Rhonda L. Bucholtz, were reported missing by family members who were “very concerned because of marital difficulties that had evolved over the last several months,” said Sheriff Kelly J. Hanson.
The couple, from Huron Township, are parents of a 5-year-old child.
Hanson could not comment on the nature of the nature of the couple’s troubles.
Local authorities were searching for the couple Tuesday when police in Mason, a town about 14 miles south of Lansing and 180 miles southwest of Port Hope, notified Hanson that they’d found the Bucholtz’s Chevrolet Uplander minivan in the parking lot of a motel where an apparent murder-suicide had occurred.
According to reports, Mason police suspect that Gary Bucholtz kidnapped his wife from somewhere in Huron County.
The couple reportedly checked into Heb’s Inn about 3 a.m. and were found dead of gunshot wounds about 12 hours later.
The Ingham County medical examiner has yet to make a positive identification.
Rhonda Bucholtz is an aunt of Brent Tinsey, the 20-year-old Ubly man who was found shot to death Nov. 20 in Sanilac County. The investigation into Tinsey's death is ongoing.
Gary Bucholtz’s brother is Gagetown Police Chief Gene Bucholtz.
BREAKING: Former Bad Axe Police Chief dies in what’s believed to be murder/suicide
Huron Daily Tribune
November 30, 2011
MASON — Police are investigating a possible abduction that ended in a murder/suicide involving former Bad Axe Police Chief Gary E. Bucholtz and his estranged wife.
Bucholtz, who served as Bad Axe Police Chief for 10 years, and his wife, Rhonda, were found dead inside a motel room in Mason just southeast of Lansing on Tuesday afternoon. The Mason Police Department is handling the investigation, which is still on-going as of press time.
What is known at this time is a search for the couple began earlier this week by the Huron County Sheriff’s Office.
Huron County Sheriff Kelly J. Hanson said Undersheriff Ron Roberts was contacted by family who reported the couple had been missing since Monday.
“Apparently, they had not been heard from since approximately 9 p.m. on Monday. Family members were very concerned because of marital difficulties that had evolved over the last several months. They were worried about the couple’s well-being,” said Hanson.
Police began following up on leads in an effort to attempt to track down the couple Tuesday afternoon.
“Leads were also followed up by the Bad Axe City Police Department, the Port Austin Village Police Department, the Michigan State Police in Sandusky and the St. Clair County Sheriff’s Office,“ Hanson said about their attempts to locate the couple. “We were able to uncover some new information, but nothing led to the whereabouts of the missing couple.”
At approximately 11 p.m. on Tuesday, Hanson said he updated the ‘Be on the Look-out’ B.O.L (LEIN Broadcast), which was asking for law enforcement agencies in the state for information about Bucholtz and his wife.
“At 11:20 p.m., I was contacted by the Mason Police Department. They advised they were working on an incident that possibly involved our missing couple. They stated they had a deceased male and female in a local motel room and the Port Hope couple’s Uplander van was in the parking lot,” said Hanson, who added Mason police had been working this incident since roughly 3 p.m. Tuesday and they were processing the scene and attempting to positively identify the deceased.
“Mason police advised the investigation into the couple’s death was suggesting the female may have been abducted from our county,” said Hanson.
“It appeared both died in the Mason motel room from gunshot wounds, possibly the result of a murder/suicide. Due to those wounds, the Ingham County Medical Examiner’s Office may need another day to wrap up the identification process.”
Hanson said the matter remains under investigation.
Mason Murder-Suicide Followed Kidnapping
Missing couple from Port Hope in Huron County believed to be victims in a murder-suicide Tuesday in Mason. Man was former police chief
Nov 30, 2011
The victims in Tuesday's murder-suicide in Mason appear to be a married couple from Port Hope, a city right on Lake Huron in the thumb.
The Mason Police Department has been working with the Huron County Sheriff's Office and they believe the woman was kidnapped by her husband.
Gary and Rhonda Bucholtz-- who were having marital problems-- were reported missing by family Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. At the same time, 180 miles away, Mason police were discovering the bodies at Heb's Inn on Cedar Street.
Investigators discovered the Uplander mini-van in the parking lot belonged to the couple reported missing via a statewide alert system.
Gary Bucholtz was the former police chief in Bad Axe for 10 years.
Police say they checked in at 3 a.m. that morning and were found at 2:30 p.m. when no one answered the door.
The Ingham County Medical Examiner still has to positively identify the victims. That should be done Thursday or Friday.
Missing Port Hope couple believed dead in Mason motel room
The Bay City Times
November 30, 2011
BAD AXE — Huron County investigators say they believe a man and woman found dead in a Mason motel room are a Port Hope-area couple reportedly missing since Monday.
Gary E. and Rhonda L. Bucholtz of Huron Township were reported missing by family members who were “very concerned because of marital difficulties that had evolved over the last several months,” said Sheriff Kelly J. Hanson.
Undersheriff Ron Roberts, six deputies and Hanson began following leads, as did police in Bad Axe and Port Austin, state police from the Sandusky Detachment and St. Clair County Sheriff’s deputies.
“We were able to uncover some new information but nothing lead to the whereabouts of our missing couple,” said Hanson.
About 11 p.m. Tuesday, deputies put out a statewide be-on-the-lookout alert for the couple, said the sheriff.
Roughly 20 minutes later, police in Mason, located southeast of Lansing, advised that they found the couple’s Chevrolet Uplander van in the parking lot of a motel where an apparent murder-suicide had occurred earlier that day, said Hanson.
Mason police had been investigating the deaths since about 3 p.m. Tuesday.
As of this morning, positive identification still had not been made.
Mason investigators believe the woman was abducted from Huron County, said Hanson.
Both people died of gunshot wounds, he said.
Police rule deaths murder-suicide
Former Bad Axe police chief suspected of killing wife, self
Lansing State Journal
Nov. 30, 2011
MASON - The Huron County sheriff said that investigators suspect that a former police chief abducted his estranged wife and drove her to a Mason motel, where he fatally shot her and himself.
Mason police found the bodies of Gary and Rhonda Bucholtz of Port Hope while conducting a welfare check Tuesday.
Gary Bucholtz was police chief for about 10 years in Bad Axe, a city of 3,500 in Huron County in the Thumb region.
Huron County Sheriff Kelly Hanson said relatives contacted his department after the couple disappeared on Monday night.
A minivan belonging to the couple was parked outside the Mason motel room where a man and woman were found Tuesday shot to death, officials said.
Hanson told the Huron Daily Tribune in Bad Axe that investigators suspect that
Rhonda Bucholtz was abducted from Huron County and taken to the Mason motel.
Mason police have ruled the deaths a murder- suicide.
"We don't know for sure the time of death or why they were there," said Mason police Chief John Stressman. "We are still processing the evidence."
Family members reported that the couple had been having marital difficulties and they were concerned for their well-being, according to the sheriff's office.
On Tuesday night, Mason police contacted the Huron County sheriff's office, saying that the murder-suicide possibly involved the missing Huron County couple.
The couple checked into a room at Heb's Inn & Motel, on North Cedar Street near U.S. 127, at 3 a.m. Tuesday.
Police were alerted after the couple had not left at the 11 a.m. checkout time, Stressman said.
At about 2:30 p.m. Tuesday, police were called to the motel for a welfare check, where they found the man and woman dead.
A cleaning person at the motel spoke to a man earlier in the day whom police believe was one of the deceased, Stressman said.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Police release more details in Mason murder-suicide
Lansing State Journal
Dec. 1, 2011
MASON — The former Huron County police chief who authorities say shot and killed his wife before killing himself inside a motel room had abducted her using “a variety of implements of restraint,” officials said today.
The bodies of Gary and Rhonda Bucholtz of Port Hope were found Tuesday inside a room at Heb’s Inn & Motel. Rhonda Bucholtz died from multiple handgun wounds to her face, according to a news release from Mason police.
Gary Bucholtz, who was a police chief in Bad Axe for about 10 years, died from a single shotgun wound to his head, police said.
Several “implements of restraint” were found inside the couple’s minivan and in the motel room, police said. Rhonda Bucholtz was found with an ankle restraint secured to one leg with the other end lying unsecured, police said.
Investigators believe Rhonda Bucholtz was abducted inside her Port Hope home. There was evidence she was restrained and concealed inside the minivan, police said.
How and why the couple ended up in Mason may never be known, the news release said.
Police Believe Man Who Shot Wife and Then Himself is Former Police Chief
Lansing State Journal
Dec. 1, 2011
MASON — The former Huron County police chief who authorities say shot and killed his wife before killing himself inside a motel room had abducted her using “a variety of implements of restraint,” officials said today.
The bodies of Gary and Rhonda Bucholtz of Port Hope were found Tuesday inside a room at Heb’s Inn & Motel. Rhonda Bucholtz died from multiple handgun wounds to her face, according to a news release from Mason police.
Gary Bucholtz, who was a police chief in Bad Axe for about 10 years, died from a single shotgun wound to his head, police said.
Several “implements of restraint” were found inside the couple’s minivan and in the motel room, police said. Rhonda Bucholtz was found with an ankle restraint secured to one leg with the other end lying unsecured, police said.
Investigators believe Rhonda Bucholtz was abducted inside her Port Hope home. There was evidence she was restrained and concealed inside the minivan, police said.
How and why the couple ended up in Mason may never be known, the news release said.
Police Believe Man Who Shot Wife and Then Himself is Former Police Chief
December 01, 2011
A Michigan Sheriff says investigators suspect that a former police chief abducted his estranged wife, then shot and killed her before killing himself.
Mason Police found the bodies of Gary and Rhonda Bucholtz in a Lansing area hotel while conducting a welfare check on Tuesday.
Gary Bucholtz was police chief for about 10 years in Bad Axe, the couple lived in Port Hope.
Family members called police after the couple went missing on Monday night.
Ex-Bad Axe Police Chief Gary Bucholtz Killed Self, Estranged Wife: Huron County Police Say
Huffington Post
A Michigan Sheriff says investigators suspect that a former police chief abducted his estranged wife, then shot and killed her before killing himself.
Mason Police found the bodies of Gary and Rhonda Bucholtz in a Lansing area hotel while conducting a welfare check on Tuesday.
Gary Bucholtz was police chief for about 10 years in Bad Axe, the couple lived in Port Hope.
Family members called police after the couple went missing on Monday night.
Ex-Bad Axe Police Chief Gary Bucholtz Killed Self, Estranged Wife: Huron County Police Say
Huffington Post
December 01, 2011
Authorities in Michigan are investigating an apparent murder-suicide involving a former local police official and his estranged ex-wife.
Mason police say that they discovered two bodies late Tuesday night in a Lansing-area motel room, one allegedly belonging to retired Bad Axe police chief Gary Bucholtz and the other to his former spouse, Rhonda Bucholtz, according to a press release obtained by the Huffington Post.
Authorities began searching for the pair late Monday night after Bucholtz family members contacted the Huron County Sheriff's office.
"Apparently, they had not been heard from since approximately 9 p.m. on Monday," Huron County Sheriff Kelly J. Hanson told the Huron Daily Tribune. "Family members were very concerned because of marital difficulties that had evolved over the last several months. They were worried about the couple's well-being."
Hanson alerted regional law enforcement agencies to that the couple was missing.
Around 11:00 pm, Tuesday, Hanson received notification from Mason Police Department officials of a shooting incident approximately 110 miles southeast of Bad Axe, possibly involving the missing divorced couple.
"They stated they had a deceased male and female in a local motel room and the Port Hope couple’s Uplander van was in the parking lot," Hanson said.
Gary, 58, and Rhonda, 38, were parents of a five-year-old child, according to Bay City Times.
Police believe that Gary Bucholtz shot his ex-wife before killing himself, according to ABC-12.
As of Wednesday evening, the Ingham County Medical Examiner was still processing evidence and completing the identification process.
Current Bad Axe Police chief addresses apparent murder-suicide of predecessor, wife
The Bay City Times
December 01, 2011
BAD AXE — The current chief of the Bad Axe Police Department has issued a brief statement regarding the apparent murder-suicide of former chief Gary E. Bucholtz and wife Rhonda L. Bucholtz.
"Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of Gary and Rhonda and we will support them during their time of grieving," Chief David Rothe said in the release. "We respect the family's privacy and will have no further comment at this time."
Bodies believed to be the Bucholtzes' were found in Heb's Inn in Mason Tuesday afternoon. Relatives reported they had not seen the Port Hope couple since around 9 p.m. Monday night.
Huron County Sheriff Kelly J. Hanson has said it appeared the couple died in their motel room from gunshot wounds. Evidence indicated Gary Bucholtz, 58, kidnapped his 38-year-old wife from Huron County, Hanson said.
The Mason Police Department is handling the investigation. Confirmation of the bodies' identities is to be released later today, pending the completion of autopsies.
Ex-Bad Axe police chief suspected of killing wife, self
December 01, 2011
Authorities in Michigan are investigating an apparent murder-suicide involving a former local police official and his estranged ex-wife.
Mason police say that they discovered two bodies late Tuesday night in a Lansing-area motel room, one allegedly belonging to retired Bad Axe police chief Gary Bucholtz and the other to his former spouse, Rhonda Bucholtz, according to a press release obtained by the Huffington Post.
Authorities began searching for the pair late Monday night after Bucholtz family members contacted the Huron County Sheriff's office.
"Apparently, they had not been heard from since approximately 9 p.m. on Monday," Huron County Sheriff Kelly J. Hanson told the Huron Daily Tribune. "Family members were very concerned because of marital difficulties that had evolved over the last several months. They were worried about the couple's well-being."
Hanson alerted regional law enforcement agencies to that the couple was missing.
Around 11:00 pm, Tuesday, Hanson received notification from Mason Police Department officials of a shooting incident approximately 110 miles southeast of Bad Axe, possibly involving the missing divorced couple.
"They stated they had a deceased male and female in a local motel room and the Port Hope couple’s Uplander van was in the parking lot," Hanson said.
Gary, 58, and Rhonda, 38, were parents of a five-year-old child, according to Bay City Times.
Police believe that Gary Bucholtz shot his ex-wife before killing himself, according to ABC-12.
As of Wednesday evening, the Ingham County Medical Examiner was still processing evidence and completing the identification process.
Current Bad Axe Police chief addresses apparent murder-suicide of predecessor, wife
The Bay City Times
December 01, 2011
BAD AXE — The current chief of the Bad Axe Police Department has issued a brief statement regarding the apparent murder-suicide of former chief Gary E. Bucholtz and wife Rhonda L. Bucholtz.
"Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of Gary and Rhonda and we will support them during their time of grieving," Chief David Rothe said in the release. "We respect the family's privacy and will have no further comment at this time."
Bodies believed to be the Bucholtzes' were found in Heb's Inn in Mason Tuesday afternoon. Relatives reported they had not seen the Port Hope couple since around 9 p.m. Monday night.
Huron County Sheriff Kelly J. Hanson has said it appeared the couple died in their motel room from gunshot wounds. Evidence indicated Gary Bucholtz, 58, kidnapped his 38-year-old wife from Huron County, Hanson said.
The Mason Police Department is handling the investigation. Confirmation of the bodies' identities is to be released later today, pending the completion of autopsies.
Ex-Bad Axe police chief suspected of killing wife, self
December 01, 2011
Mason police found the bodies of Gary and Rhonda Bucholtz of Port Hope while conducting a welfare check Tuesday.
MASON, Mich. (AP) - A Michigan sheriff says investigators suspect that a former police chief abducted his estranged wife and drove her to a Lansing-area motel, where he fatally shot her and
Mason police found the bodies of Gary and Rhonda Bucholtz of Port Hope while conducting a welfare check Tuesday.
Gary Bucholtz was police chief for about 10 years in Bad Axe, a city of 3,500 in Huron County in Michigan's rural Thumb region.
The motel is about 10 miles south-southeast of Lansing.
Huron County Sheriff Kelly Hanson says relatives contacted his department after the couple disappeared Monday night.
Hanson tells the Huron Daily Tribune in Bad Axe that investigators suspect Rhonda Bucholtz was abducted from Huron County and taken to the motel.
Report: Police say Huron County husband kidnapped wife before murder-suicide in Mason
December 01, 2011
UPDATE: Police believe the pair is former Bad Axe police chief Gary Bucholtz and his wife Rhonda.
Police say a husband and wife found dead in what's been ruled a murder-suicide Tuesday in Mason were from Port Hope in Huron County.
WILX reports Mason police, who have been working with the Huron County Sheriff's Office, believe the man kidnapped his wife. They were both reported missing by their family Tuesday afternoon.
The pair was found dead at Herb's Inn along Cedar Street. WLIX reports the couple had been having marital problems.
It was the second murder-suicide in Mason in just a matter of days.
A man and woman were found dead on Thanksgiving at their home in the 400 block of Hanna Road. In that case, authorities said Timothy Hendricks, 53, used a pistol to shoot and kill his ex-wife, Deborah Hendricks, 62, before killing himself.
Both were found dead in a home in the 400 block of Hanna Road late Thursday.
WLIX reports the Ingham County Medical Examiner has yet to positively identify the victims of Tuesday's murder-suicide. Positive identification is expected on Thursday or Friday
Ex-Police Chief Suspected Of Killing Wife, Self
CBS - Detroit
December 1, 2011 7:26 AM
MASON (AP) - Investigators suspect that a former police chief abducted his estranged wife and drove her to a Lansing-area motel, where he fatally shot her and himself, a sheriff said Wednesday.
Mason police found bodies believed to be those of Gary and Rhonda Bucholtz of Port Hope while conducting a welfare check Tuesday.
Gary Bucholtz was police chief in Bad Axe for about 10 years. The city has about 3,500 residents and is county seat of Huron County at the tip of Michigan’s heavily agricultural Thumb region. The motel is about 10 miles south-southeast of Lansing and about 110 miles southeast of Bad Axe.
The Huron Daily Tribune in Bad Axe reported that Huron County Sheriff Kelly Hanson said relatives contacted his department after the couple disappeared. He said they had apparently not been heard from since about 9 p.m. Monday.
“Family members were very concerned because of marital difficulties that had evolved over the last several months,” Hanson said. “They were worried about the couple’s well-being.”
The sheriff said Mason police contacted him late Tuesday.
“They advised they were working on an incident that possibly involved our missing couple,” Hanson said.
“They stated they had a deceased male and female in a local motel room and the Port Hope couple’s Uplander van was in the parking lot.”
He said the investigation produced evidence “suggesting the female may have been abducted” from Huron County and that it appeared both died in the Mason motel room from gunshot wounds in a possible murder-suicide.
Mason Police Chief John Stressman said the room at Heb’s Inn & Motel was booked at 3 a.m. Tuesday. Police were alerted after the couple had not left at the 11 a.m. checkout time, Stressman told the Lansing State Journal.
Stressman said investigators will confirm the man and woman’s identities through dental records and DNA tests. They will look at autopsy results to confirm they died of gunshot wounds, he said.
“It’s still an open investigation and we’ve still got a lot of legwork to do,” Stressman said.
Mason Motel Deaths Ruled Murder-Suicide
Big 921 New
December 01, 2011
MASON, Mich (WLMI) Police in Mason have confirmed the bodies of a man and woman found Tuesday in a motel died in a murder-suicide.
Officials say it appears the former police chief of Bad Axe—in Michigan’s Thumb—abducted his estranged wife and drove her to Heb’s Inn on North Cedar and shot her, then himself.
Officials in Huron County say family members contacted the Sheriff’s Department after Gary Bucholz and his wife, Rhonda, disappeared Monday night.
Police say former Bad Axe police chief shot wife in face multiple times at Mason motel
Lansing State Journal
Dec. 2, 2011
MASON — The former Huron County police chief who authorities say shot and killed his wife before killing himself inside a motel room had abducted her using “a variety of implements of restraint,” officials said.
The bodies of Gary and Rhonda Bucholtz of Port Hope were found Tuesday inside a room at Heb’s Inn & Motel.
Rhonda Bucholtz died from multiple handgun wounds to her face, according to a news release from Mason police.
Gary Bucholtz, who was a police chief in Bad Axe for about 10 years, died from a single shotgun wound to his head, police said.
Several “implements of restraint” were found inside the couple’s minivan and in the motel room, police said. Rhonda Bucholtz was found with an ankle restraint secured to one leg with the other end lying unsecured, police said.
Investigators believe Rhonda Bucholtz was abducted inside her Port Hope home. There was evidence she was restrained and concealed inside the minivan, police said.
How and why the couple ended up in Mason may never be known, the news release said.
He then turned the gun on himself.
The investigation is ongoing, but police said they may never know why the couple ended up in Mason.
Police say former Bad Axe police chief shot wife in face multiple times at Mason motel
Lansing State Journal
Dec. 2, 2011
MASON — The former Huron County police chief who authorities say shot and killed his wife before killing himself inside a motel room had abducted her using “a variety of implements of restraint,” officials said.
The bodies of Gary and Rhonda Bucholtz of Port Hope were found Tuesday inside a room at Heb’s Inn & Motel.
Rhonda Bucholtz died from multiple handgun wounds to her face, according to a news release from Mason police.
Gary Bucholtz, who was a police chief in Bad Axe for about 10 years, died from a single shotgun wound to his head, police said.
Several “implements of restraint” were found inside the couple’s minivan and in the motel room, police said. Rhonda Bucholtz was found with an ankle restraint secured to one leg with the other end lying unsecured, police said.
Investigators believe Rhonda Bucholtz was abducted inside her Port Hope home. There was evidence she was restrained and concealed inside the minivan, police said.
How and why the couple ended up in Mason may never be known, the news release said.
Police say bodies are former Bad Axe police chief and wife
Dec 03, 2011
MASON, MI (WNEM) - Police said the bodies found inside a motel room are that of a former Bad Axe police chief and his wife.
Gary and Rhonda Bucholtz were found shot to death at a Mason Motel room.
Police said Gary Bucholtz took his wife from their home, restrained her in the car and shot her several times in that motel.
He then turned the gun on himself.
The investigation is ongoing, but police said they may never know why the couple ended up in Mason.
Mason police discover murder-suicide
Former police chief abducted his wife and put her in restraints in Port Hope
Lansing State Journal
Dec. 4, 2011
MASON - The Huron County sheriff and Mason investigators say a former police chief abducted his estranged wife and secured her with restraints and drove her to a Mason motel, where he fatally shot her and himself.
Mason police found the bodies of Gary and Rhonda Bucholtz of Port Hope in a Mason motel while conducting a welfare check Nov. 29. Rhonda Bucholtz had several gunshots to the face and her estranged husband had a single shotgun would to his head.
Gary Bucholtz was police chief for about 10 years in Bad Axe, a city of 3,500 in Huron County in the Thumb region.
Huron County Sheriff Kelly Hanson said relatives contacted his department after the couple disappeared on Nov. 28.
A minivan belonging to the couple was parked outside the motel room where a man and woman were found shot to death, officials said.
Mason police last week ruled the deaths a murder- suicide, and in a prepared statement last Thursday revealed that a variety of restraints were used on Mrs. Bucholtz.
"We don't know for sure the time of death or why they were there," said Mason police Chief John Stressman. "We are still processing the evidence."
Family members reported that the couple had been having marital difficulties and they were concerned for their well-being, according to the sheriff's office.
On Nov. 29, Mason police contacted the Huron County sheriff's office, saying that the murder-suicide possibly involved the missing Huron County couple.
The couple checked into a room at Heb's Inn & Motel, on North Cedar Street near U.S. 127, at 3 a.m. Police were alerted after the couple had not left at the 11 a.m. checkout time, Stressman said.
At about 2:30 p.m., police were called to the motel for a welfare check, where they found the man and woman dead.
A cleaning person at the motel spoke to a man earlier in the day whom police believe was one of the deceased, Stressman said.
Former police chief abducted his wife and put her in restraints in Port Hope
Lansing State Journal
Dec. 4, 2011
MASON - The Huron County sheriff and Mason investigators say a former police chief abducted his estranged wife and secured her with restraints and drove her to a Mason motel, where he fatally shot her and himself.
Mason police found the bodies of Gary and Rhonda Bucholtz of Port Hope in a Mason motel while conducting a welfare check Nov. 29. Rhonda Bucholtz had several gunshots to the face and her estranged husband had a single shotgun would to his head.
Gary Bucholtz was police chief for about 10 years in Bad Axe, a city of 3,500 in Huron County in the Thumb region.
Huron County Sheriff Kelly Hanson said relatives contacted his department after the couple disappeared on Nov. 28.
A minivan belonging to the couple was parked outside the motel room where a man and woman were found shot to death, officials said.
Mason police last week ruled the deaths a murder- suicide, and in a prepared statement last Thursday revealed that a variety of restraints were used on Mrs. Bucholtz.
"We don't know for sure the time of death or why they were there," said Mason police Chief John Stressman. "We are still processing the evidence."
Family members reported that the couple had been having marital difficulties and they were concerned for their well-being, according to the sheriff's office.
On Nov. 29, Mason police contacted the Huron County sheriff's office, saying that the murder-suicide possibly involved the missing Huron County couple.
The couple checked into a room at Heb's Inn & Motel, on North Cedar Street near U.S. 127, at 3 a.m. Police were alerted after the couple had not left at the 11 a.m. checkout time, Stressman said.
At about 2:30 p.m., police were called to the motel for a welfare check, where they found the man and woman dead.
A cleaning person at the motel spoke to a man earlier in the day whom police believe was one of the deceased, Stressman said.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
11092011 - MSP Trooper Gregory Filpus - Child abuse - Calumet Post

Suspended State Trooper Faces Charges
Wed 2/8/12 4:18PM
A Upper Peninsula Michigan State Police trooper who found himself charged with two misdemeanors will not have to go to jail.
41–year–old Gregory Filpus of Pelkie was assigned to the Calumet Post of the Michigan State Police. Last November, Filpus was charged with two counts of misdemeanor domestic violence and fourth degree child abuse.
In 97th District Court today, Filpus entered a plea of No Contest to one of each of those counts in exchange for the others being dropped. He was sentenced to 12 to 24 months probation with a delayed sentence of the domestic violence charge which means the conviction will not appear on Filpus's record if the terms of the probation are met.
The court also ordered no contact to be allowed with Filpus's wife or children pending the outcome of family court proceedings. In addition, Filpus must complete a domestic violence intervention class and serve three days community service.
Filpus had been suspended with pay pending the court proceedings. Further disciplinary action may be handed down by the State Police.
Michigan State Trooper charged with child abuse
Posted: 11.14.2011 at 2:32 PM
Upper Michigan Source
HOUGHTON COUNTY -- A Michigan State Police trooper is facing serious charges in Houghton County.
In a statement released by the Calumet Post, State Trooper Gregory H. Filpus was arrested on two separate misdemeanor warrants by the Houghton County Sheriff's Department for child abuse, 4th degree, and domestic violence.
Filpus was arraigned last Wednesday and his pretrial date is set for November 30. The statement also says that Filpus was suspended with pay, pending the adjudication of the charges.

State trooper arrested
Posted by Hans Ahlstrom
November 14th, 2011
Houghton – A Michigan State Police trooper is facing child abuse and domestic violence charges.
According to the ‘WLUC-TV6’ website, a statement from the Calumet post says State Trooper Gregory H. Filpus was arraigned last week on two separate misdemeanor warrants by the Houghton County Sheriff’s Department for ‘child abuse, 4th degree’ and ‘domestic violence.’
The statement also says that Filpus was suspended with pay, pending the adjudication of the charges. His pretrial date is set for November 30.

State Trooper from Calumet Post Arrested
Mon 11/14/11 2:13PM
TV 5 and 10
A Michigan State Police trooper assigned to the Calumet Post finds himself on the wrong side of the law.
Police say 41-year-old Gregory Filpus of Pelkie was arrested last Wednesday by the Houghton County Sheriff's Department on two separate misdemeanor warrants.
Filpus is charged with 4th-degree child abuse and domestic violence.
He joined the Michigan State Police in 1993, and he's currently suspended, with pay, pending the outcome of the charges.
Filpus is free on personal recognizance.
His pre-trial is set for November 30th.
State trooper arrested
Posted by Hans Ahlstrom
November 14th, 2011
Houghton – A Michigan State Police trooper is facing child abuse and domestic violence charges.
According to the ‘WLUC-TV6’ website, a statement from the Calumet post says State Trooper Gregory H. Filpus was arraigned last week on two separate misdemeanor warrants by the Houghton County Sheriff’s Department for ‘child abuse, 4th degree’ and ‘domestic violence.’
The statement also says that Filpus was suspended with pay, pending the adjudication of the charges. His pretrial date is set for November 30.

Copper Country MSP trooper layoffs reversed
November 7, 2009
By Garrett Neese, DMG Writer
Mining Gazette
CALUMET - Michigan State Police posts in the Copper Country will benefit from the recall of 55 state troopers who had been laid off in June.
The Calumet and L'Anse posts will both get at least one trooper back, said Trooper Greg Filpus of the L'Anse post.
"That's going to provide a lot of relief for us," he said. "It's nice having that additional help. That's going to improve the coverage, and I think those benefits are obvious."
The 55 troopers will be recalled based on seniority on Nov. 16. In May, MSP spokeswoman Shanon Akans said 18 of the troopers to be laid off were from the December 2004 graduating class, with the rest coming from the next graduating class in 2008.
"Hopefully they'll all come back eventually, but we'll just have to wait and see," Filpus said.
State Rep. Mike Lahti, D-Hancock, applauded the news.
"It's good that they're being brought back, but this budget is tough. There are cuts all over," he said. "Hopefully the number they brought back are sufficient until the economy comes back."
The troopers are part of a group of 100 laid off in June due to state budget constraints.
Gov. Jennifer Granholm approved a budget last month that included hiring back 55 troopers. Granholm had halted plans on Wednesday to rehire the troopers pending a review of state tax receipts.
With the recall, there will be 1,000 troopers in the state.
Michigan Officer Involved Domestic Violence
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