Saturday, November 23, 2013

11232013 - Frontline - How to Combat Officer-Involved Domestic Violence

How to Combat Officer-Involved Domestic Violence
November 23, 2013

Mark Wynn is a 21-year veteran of the Nashville Metropolitan Police Department who trains departments on officer-involved domestic violence. He spoke with FRONTLINE about why the problem is so complicated, and what still needs to be done. This is the edited transcript of an interview conducted on Oct. 29, 2013.
[question]As a police officer, did you ever have occasion to respond to domestic violence calls?[/question]

Thousands over the years.

[question]… From what I’ve read, that can be a difficult assignment, is it not? 

It is complex. It’s confusing. It is dynamic. It’s dangerous. There’s a lot of emotional labor involved if you really do the work correctly. It’s the most [frequently] committed and least reported crime in the country. There’s no doubt about that.

[question]Least reported? Why is that?

There’s a lot of reasons. You’ve got the social stigma. You’ve got fear. You’ve got love. You’ve got religion. You’ve got money. It’s one of those crimes where the victim and the offender live together and they know each other. There’s an emotional tie. Leaving is not easy.

As a matter of fact, one of the things that we now have realized after all these years — because we’ve been so busy asking the victim why she stayed in that relationship — is that we now understand that leaving is not an event. It’s more of a process.

So the police have to play a part in that process and get that victim to safety. And that’s got to be trained in the police officers. …

These cases are ongoing. And they’ve been ongoing for years, and if we don’t understand that, then we do more harm than good.

[question]As a police officer, have you ever responded to a domestic violence call involving another officer?


[question]I would imagine that presents a special set of circumstances. 

It does, and I don’t make any excuses, but the pressure for the responding officers is heavy, especially when it’s somebody you know or you worked with.

In law enforcement, as you can imagine, like the military, you build bonds together by saving one another’s lives. You know these folks so well, better than your own relatives. So it’s a lot of pressure.

That’s one of the obstacles that we realized over the years to holding ourselves accountable, for violence in the police family is understanding that there may be that tension, and we have to deal with that tension as leaders in policing.

But, you know, you’ve got a job. You work with the public, and you’re accountable. You have to make sure the law keeps its promise.

“Whenever you are aware of a crime and you don’t hold someone accountable, then you’re colluding with a criminal.”

[question]The woman who is battered would have to know about the special relationship that exists among police officers. Is that one of the reasons perhaps they are hesitant to call or know who to call? 

There’s no question, as a matter of fact. The dynamic in a domestic violence relationship … is no different than when the husband is a police officer or the wife is a police officer. That dynamic is the same, which means that this is power-based violence, someone using power for intent to control another. And it’s ongoing.

[question]And police know how to use power.

More than that, and this is the real dilemma that law enforcement faces, is that you get someone who already has a propensity to violence — and most often that’s from childhood experiences. We believe about 85 percent of the offenders learn violence at an early age.

So you get that kind of a character in a badge, you’ve got a real problem, because when you train someone to be a cop, anyone in this country, you train them to challenge when confronted. You train them to interrogate when suspicious. You train them to [use] fighting skills that no one else has. You train them how to use weapons. You train them how to deal with conflict. You teach them all these skills, and then you add all of that to someone who is violent, you’ve got a lethal combination on your hands. …

There’s more to it than that, and I know that because I’ve been an investigating officer. And when you deal with these kinds of cases as a criminal investigator, not as a first responder, then you see all of this in the officers, especially when you start doing the interview interrogation, collection of evidence, interviewing witnesses.

You have a very special kind of victim, because they’ve been manipulated by a highly trained offender who also knows the law just like you do. So you’ve got a different kind of person that you’re investigating now. It takes a high degree of training and skill to investigate an officer-involved case. …

[question]I rarely come across any news articles that tell the story of a police officer being arrested for domestic violence. I would imagine that means either it’s not happening all that often or it’s not being reported. Which is it?

That’s a good question. I have to say that it is happening more today than ever before.

[question]Why is that?

I think there has been an awakening in policing, and that is in leadership. I’ve been training police chiefs since 1986, and in the recent past, I’ve seen a different generation of leaders who have been trained — I believe correctly — how to investigate domestic violence in the general public.

So they have a sense of what the right way is to handle the general public. How can they not do it for law enforcement? So I’m starting to see more officers arrested. I’ve arrested and prosecuted officers for domestic violence in my career, but I’ve specialized in that field of lieutenant detective with a specialized domestic violence division in my police department, and it was part of our responsibility to work these cases.

But I am seeing more and more. It’s something that I think a lot of police chiefs and sheriffs will not broadcast to the media that they’ve done it, and I think that’s a mistake. I think transparency is the key, because one of the difficulties we have with violence in a police family is reporting.

Victims don’t report for other particular reasons, where the officer-offender will tell the victim that they won’t believe you or me: “I have credibility; you don’t”; “They’ll circle the wagons and protect me”; and “I understand the law, and you don’t”; “I’ll lose my pension if you call my supervisors.”

So there’s other things that the domestic violence police victim has to deal with than the general public. In order for us to get that victim to call us, we have to communicate to the public that this is not going to be tolerated, and when we broadcast when we arrested and prosecuted our own, that’s the way we communicate to the public that the law will keep its promise. The police family is just like public families.

[question]Do you have a handle on how many officers are arrested each year for domestic violence?

… I don’t think we have seen a real study on this issue yet. And one of the reasons that we haven’t been able to study it is because so few police departments have a policy on how to deal with it.

There’s some informal policies across the country. There’s some agencies that have great policies, and then there’s some that sort of have a little of half-formal and then different operational policy in the field. So our data is not what it should be for us to really evaluate. …

But let me say this. I think that if we believe that 10 to 15 percent of the population in this country is involved in domestic violence … we at least have a 10 to 15 percent chance of getting someone in uniform who’s an abuser. Now, what do we do about it once they get in the ranks? That’s a whole other question.

[question]… You mentioned that it’s important for police chiefs to broadcast a message that they view this as a significant problem. How is a victim supposed to know what to do? A woman sitting at home, she’s just been [abused] by her police officer spouse or husband, what is she to do? Where does she turn? How does she know who to call? 

Unfortunately, around the country, often the first place a victim can turn to is either a friend, a relative or a crisis line, and we need to expand that list of lifelines to this victim.

So it starts off early on, even before hiring. The prescreen process for law enforcement officers should also be about talking to spouses and family members of an officer.

As a matter of fact, it’s not unusual now in large agencies around the country that you seek out spousal classes for men and women whose husbands and wives are going into law enforcement, because it’s a stressful lifestyle, offering those folks early on an option that if you feel unsafe at any time while you are married to this person or connected to this person, you can reach out to us. …

[question]Those classes aren’t that common? 

No, they’re not, but they work, and that’s part of a standard where we are preaching around the country that works, and it’s sort of a three-part process.

What is your standard? Is your standard that you’re going to protect the police families like you do the public?

What is your accountability? Who are you accountable to as a public servant? You’re obviously accountable to the public, and you’re also accountable to the families of your police officers. They have the same rights as anybody else in society.

And then third is your communication. How do you communicate that? Our police leaders stand up regularly and roll-call with the officers, the civic meetings or before camera when they talk to the news media and say: “This is how we feel about this. This is the most important thing that we do, protecting families and society, because if we can’t protect families, how are we going to protect the general public?” A way that we would communicate that is constantly telling the community that we care about domestic violence and sex assault and stalking and human trafficking, all these crimes committed against women, and it also applies to the police family.

And by the way, excuse me for saying this. I don’t want this to sound like I am absolutely anti-police. It’s just the opposite. I think, to me, dealing with violence in the police family is our big test of this century. If we can’t communicate to the public that we’re going to hold our own accountable and make the law keep its promise and protect victims of domestic violence, then we’re in trouble.

So it’s a challenge for every police chief and every sheriff in this country to make sure that they communicate to the public that my employees are going to be just as safe as you.

[question]In this Internet age, would it not make sense for police departments to have a link on their home page advising potential victims as to what to do? 

… I ask chiefs all the time, how easy is it for a victim to find direct service when they go to your website? Do they see K9 and bomb squad and helicopters, or do they see a button that says, “If you are a victim of sex assault or domestic violence stalking, click here,” and it immediately goes to resources?

Because, you know, victims need options. They don’t need advice. They know what trouble they’re in. They need options, and options should be a part of the very first thing you see when you go to other departments’ websites.

[question]Have you ever seen a situation where there is such a button for an abused partner to push to find out where to go? 

There are agencies who on their home page have a button for domestic violence, but it’s not uniform. I’d like to see more of it, and we’re doing our best to make sure that that message gets out. …

[question]How did you get interested in this subject? 

I’m a survivor. Even though my relatives were all in law enforcement, my stepfather was an abuser. I lived under an abuser for 10 years.

[question]Abused your mother?

Oh, yes. It was bad. That’s light. “Abuse” is not the right word. My stepfather was a violent offender, and I had this opportunity in the late ’50s and early ’60s, … [watching] the police departments all over Texas where we lived deal with domestic violence. They threatened my mother with arrests. They struggled. They had no policies, and you know what happens when you’ve got people that have got no direction. They make it up as they go. So we were pretty much at the mercy of my stepfather.

[question]So he was an officer?

No, he wasn’t an officer. He was just an abuser. But you’ve got to make the best of it, I suppose. I learned from him how to police domestic violence, so when I got into law enforcement, I had a pretty clear view of what I needed to do.

When I saw that there was a double standard for law enforcement, I decided that we needed to do something about that, too. That’s why I pushed for a specialized unit within our police department, and even today they’re still investigating and arresting officers for domestic violence. …

[question]At some point you left Nashville Police Department. Why, and then what did you do?

When I made lieutenant, they were going to transfer me back to homicide, and I had already worked in homicide, and I really wanted to sleep. So I had a conversation with my chief about it, and he said, “I need you in homicide,” so I decided I that I would leave the agency and do this work.

Since 2001, I’ve traveled all over the world. I’ve trained officers in China and Russia and just got back from Brazil, training the Brazilian police, and Georgia and Northern Ireland and England, Germany and all these places I’ve trained. Plus I’ve trained in every state in the United States, so I’ve trained police officers and police chiefs and judges and prosecutors around [the world] all about violence against women in the United States.

It’s worked out real well for me. I miss the work in policing, but what I’m doing now, it’s meaningful. …

[question]Does domestic abuse necessarily involve violence? 

It doesn’t. I think that a lot of people think that it’s slaps and punches and kicks, but it’s much more than that. It’s social, psychological abuse. It’s someone using force and fear to control someone else, to degrade someone down, to push their self-esteem to the lowest level so they can be controlled.

Domestic violence abusers will use all kinds of methods to control their victims, and this is learned behavior. They’ve been doing it a while. They watched it happen as a child, so they’re very sophisticated in what they do. And smart offenders don’t often hit or punch. They don’t have to. They have other ways of controlling a victim.

[question]At some point you got involved in helping to craft model rules for how police departments should deal with this issue. Tell me how that came about and your involvement in it. 

In ’82, ’83 I started training in our academy, teaching our recruits, and then shortly after that, our chief introduced me to IACP, which is the International Association of Chiefs of Police. Then in ’86, ’87 we did a couple of training films for law enforcement, I think one of the first true training films that actually dealt with the correct way to deal with domestic violence. And then I started traveling.

We spent about three years, and we traveled across the United States, talking to police executives about how to write and formulate policies dealing with women and domestic violence. And this was the first real, national training that a lot of these police chiefs had. The chiefs that we were talking to were officers that came on in the late ’50s and early ’60s — in their mind, domestic violence was more of a dispute. It was a disagreement between a husband and wife or boyfriend and girlfriend, until you [had a] homicide.

So they weren’t really talking about violence against women until the early or mid-80s, and I got involved in that process. And I listened in those years very carefully to police chiefs and some of the excuses that I heard about why we couldn’t protect the victims of domestic violence and the general public. And I knew, and the conversations I had with them in those years, that not only were we not protecting the public, but we weren’t protecting our own families.

[question]So describe to me the evolution of these rules. You became interested in a policy. How long did it take, and are they still in effect? …

In ’96, ’97 and those years, the IACP put together impact panels around the country to talk about this issue with leaders and police, sheriffs and police, and the IACP devised a nationwide model protocol on how to deal with officer-involved domestic violence.  In 2002 and 2003 it was rolled out as a national model.

It’s only been 10 years now, and a lot of agencies have adopted it. Some states have a statewide model policy. In Tennessee I managed to work on a statewide policy, so every chief, every sheriff in the state has a model they can go to to replicate for their agency. North Dakota has a statewide policy. A lot of states are looking at a statewide model policy to give their chiefs and sheriffs an example to use. So it’s taken a while.

We’re starting to see more and more police departments, if they don’t have a policy, define how they deal with officer-involved domestic violence, from the first responder to the criminal investigator to the internal affairs investigator. So it’s changing, but not nearly as fast as I’d like to see.

[question]Would you like to see every police department in the country adopt the model rules?

You can’t police without it.

[question]And yet there are many that are policing without it.

I understand that. Let me just say, you cannot police in an open society and — if you lose the public trust, you’re in big trouble. In order for us to win the public trust, we have to tell society that we’re going to hold our own accountable, and this is the way to do it, by investigating and arresting and prosecuting officers that commit domestic violence in their own families.

[question]… If an officer learns about an allegation of domestic violence involving a fellow officer and does not report it or take action, what should the response by his superiors be, or her superiors?

It’s pretty simple for me. Whenever you are aware of a crime and you don’t hold someone accountable, then you’re colluding with a criminal. Is that what we want in the ranks of law enforcement? Do we want our officers to collude with a criminal? The answer is obviously no.

A way to make sure that doesn’t happen is that we not only say but we promote zero tolerance in the ranks of law enforcement around domestic violence. Because we’ve seen this play before, where police departments and sheriffs’ departments around the country have tolerated domestic violence, and what it got was the death of the spouse of an officer.

We can’t tolerate that anymore. The mystery’s over. We already know. The studies are over. We know what these offenders will do. We know what they’re capable of, because domestic violence defenders not only abuse their family members nationwide, they kill police officers. Four people that I knew, friends, were killed by domestic violence offenders in my city alone.

The very first police officer killed on my police department in 1875 was killed responding to a domestic violence call. One hundred and five years later, I was policing the same streets as that officer was killed on, so when I hear someone say we should tolerate levels of domestic violence, I say you must be out of your mind, because these offenders are not only dangerous to their families, they’re dangerous to police officers. …

[question] Are you seeing a zero-tolerance policy across the country?

… We’re not there yet, but I think once we get to that level, a lot of things are going to happen for us. First of all, the people who we work for, you the taxpayer, is going to look at their agency with a different eye, that you can trust, you feel comfortable with calling your police department and your sheriff’s department, and I think victims will call.

Let me give you one quick example. I was a lieutenant with the Nashville police, and I was in the office one night, and we had just arrested one of our officers for domestic violence. The local media covered it and broadcast it, and the phone rang, and this woman, she said, “Are you Lt. Wynn?” I said, “Yes, ma’am.” And she said, “I want to talk to you, but I don’t want to give you my name.” And of course these things happen. People do that all the time. And I said, “Yes, ma’am, go right ahead.” And she said, “I saw on the media today where you arrested one of your officers for domestic violence.” I said, “Yes, ma’am, we did.” And she said, “I want to thank you for that.” And I said, “Why is that?”

She said: “I was married to one of your officers for 30 years, and he beat the hell out of me all the time I was married to him. And I reported it to your police department, and nothing happened.” And she said, “Obviously the day has changed, and I want to thank you for holding your own accountable,” and she hung the phone up.

That was all I needed to hear, that there were victims, not only presently that were dealing with domestic violence, but there were thousands and thousands of victims in the past who had not had their day in court because of a culture in policing that pushed family members away from protection who were victims of domestic violence.

[question]Let’s say an internal affairs department has investigated serious allegations of domestic abuse involving an officer and comes back with the conclusion that that officer should be fired. Should the police chief always uphold the recommendations of, say, an internal affairs department that has looked into domestic violence?

It’s hard to judge an individual case. Obviously as an investigator, I’ve advised police chiefs on this very thing, to fire police officers. Again, what do you communicate inside the ranks of your agency when you don’t have a standard of holding your own accountable? …

When you raise your hand to take your badge, it’s a big deal. It’s a life-changing thing for you because of the things you have to accept. Your life changes forever. You have to be willing to risk your life for people you don’t know every day. You have to be willing to take a life.

This is serious business, and you’re entrusted with the safety of the public. There’s nothing more precious than that. And how can we in police leadership turn loose on the public someone who we can’t trust to protect your rights? …

[question]A definition for officer-involved domestic violence? 

We define it as a police officer involved in domestic violence and police officer-involved sex assault and police officer-involved stalking.

We see officers commit the same kind of crimes that the general public commits, but obviously we want the chiefs to put this at a high priority and deal with it through selecting the right officers, training those officers; enforcing, reinforcing in the families that there’s an option for the families to come to law enforcement if they need assistance; training our first-line supervisors, our sergeants in the field, supervisors, an early-warning system where they see officers with problems, because sometimes you see other issues can come [up] with officers. Officers who are abusive to the public can sometimes also be abusive to their family members.

So we’re not wide-eyed about this. We know now after all these years that we hire people, and sometimes they bring violence with them. How do we keep that out is the true test of a police leader today.

[question]Can you cite some specifics in the model rules that you believe are the most important for police chiefs and departments to follow?

… With domestic violence cases, we should certainly look at the past and how we dealt with it in the past and correct those mistakes. We should look at it presently. How are we dealing with it today? How do we train our officers, select our officers, train our supervisors? How do we train our dispatchers? How do we train our civilian employees in law enforcement? Is there a standard in the department?

And the future is that if we have zero tolerance and we broadcast that zero tolerance and we change the culture in policing that says we’re not going to tolerate violence in our police families, then the future will take care of itself. Then people will come to us who want to work in an environment that’s nonviolent, and we’ll have a healthier criminal justice/law enforcement system in the United States.

[question]Is this issue that we’re talking about really just an internal affairs issue?

It’s something I’ve heard a lot of, that this is just an internal affair. In my mind it’s an external affair. That’s why some of the more progressive police departments have an internal track investigation that starts and an external track, because we’re talking about crime here, crime committed outside the agency against another family member. So this is absolutely external, and in my mind there’s no difference [from] the general public where domestic violence is committed. …

[question]Could you talk a little about the difficulties and the challenges involved in a law enforcement agency investigating one of its own? If the police officer is your abuser, who do you call? You call the police. Is that a problem?

I think the average number of officers per police department nationwide is like, five to eight officers, and sometimes agencies aren’t capable of investigating their own, so what we recommend is they collaborate with other agencies and create memorandums of understanding [MOU] that they’ll come in and investigate an allegation of domestic violence against their own.

That seems to work pretty well, because the smaller your agency is, the harder it is to find someone who doesn’t personally know and is a friend of the person who’s been accused of the domestic violence. So that’s a method that seems to work.

But there are challenges; there’s no question about it. … But it’s not impossible. And we want police chiefs to understand that there is that extra burden on officers to investigate, but the price is too high not to.

[question]Is there a propensity then to sort of close ranks in a way within law enforcement? 

There has been in the past a tendency to close ranks. But the problem with this is it’s not like it’s a single incident. Domestic violence — one of the common characteristics is it’s an ongoing course of conduct. Offenders don’t just do it once. They’ve done it many times.

Crisis lines will tell you that victims will call the crisis line for the first time on average after the fifth assault. … So we’re putting that victim in imminent danger if we don’t hold the officer-offender accountable. …

[question]… Where is the accountability in this? Where does the buck stop? 

The accountability rests with the chief law enforcement executive in every community. It’s her or his responsibility to make sure that domestic violence laws are enforced in the public and in police families.

[question]What if those individuals don’t enforce those laws? What’s to be done? 

It’s obvious. Do you want people who supervise and run and manage your law enforcement in your community that you pay for, do you want them to ignore domestic violence in a police family?

[question]So in other words, you’re saying the elected officials have a responsibility to remove the police chief?

Absolutely. What’s amazing to me is we’re having this conversation at all. I mean, could you imagine us sitting here talking about this and saying, how do you feel about officers using crack before they go to work, or how do you feel about the officer who every once in a while just robs a bank, or every once in a while decides to go in and steal a car from a dealership? We wouldn’t have this conversation.

Why is it that we’ve taken violence against women and separated that from other crimes? And that’s the bigger question, I think, for society. …

Thursday, November 21, 2013

11212013 - Kent County Commissioner Gary Rolls - Arrested On Sex Charges Involving Minor

Kent County Commissioner Gary Rolls - CSC Charges

Kent County Commissioner Gary Rolls faces charges that include criminal sexual conduct, evidence tampering and using a computer to commit a crime. He was arrested November 21, 2013, when he left the commission chambers towards the end of a meeting.

Former Kent County official pleads in sex case
Associated Press State Wire
May 13, 2014

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (AP) — A former Kent County commissioner has pleaded guilty in a sex case.

Gary Rolls faces at most a year in jail as part of a deal with prosecutors.

The 47-year-old pleaded guilty Tuesday to illegal use of a computer, tampering with evidence and fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct.

Rolls had been scheduled to stand trial next month on four counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct, charges that carry a maximum penalty of life in prison.

Rolls was accused of having sex with a girl with whom he began a relationship when she was 9. The woman is now in her 20s.

Defense lawyer Jeffrey O'Hara says the woman lied about numerous details.

Rolls resigned his county commission seat.

Former Kent County Commissioner Gary Rolls' plea deal has most serious sex charges dropped
Muskegon Chronicle
May 13, 2014

GRAND RAPIDS, MI – The case against Gary Rolls has fundamentally fallen apart, leading to a deal that has the defendant - once accused of felonies carrying harsh prison terms - now facing at most a year in the jail he once oversaw as a Kent County commissioner.

Rolls quietly entered a guilty plea on Tuesday, May 13, to charges of illegal use of a computer, tampering with evidence and fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct, the least serious of Michigan's sexual misconduct laws.

Rolls, 47, was slated for a trial in Kent County Circuit Court on June 30 on four counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct. Those charges carried a potential maximum of life in prison, had he been convicted.

The computer and tampering crimes are felonies, but fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct is a high-court misdemeanor with a two-year maximum penalty.

But last week Rolls’ attorney, Jeffrey O’Hara, filed legal briefs claiming that Ionia County Chief Assistant Prosecutor Lori Kirkhoff has proof that the alleged victim lied repeatedly about details contained in her allegations regarding Rolls.

Rolls was accused of having sex with a Muskegon girl with whom he began a relationship in 1994 when she was 9 years old. The woman is now 29.

O’Hara claimed the alleged victim lied about numerous details in the case, including about her age, when incidents occurred, and when some photos held by the prosecution were taken.

The alleged victim reportedly told police she had photos sent to her in 1996 by Rolls of mutilated female genitalia. But O’Hara writes that tests done by the prosecution show that the earliest date the photo paper could have been created was 2004.

“What is remarkable about these lies is their elaborateness,” O’Hara writes. “The complainant stated repeatedly that the defendant gave her these female genital mutilation pictures when she was 12 years old and that the defendant made her carry them in her purse every day since 1996.”

O’Hara said the woman repeated the allegation regarding the photo to police and under oath during court hearings in Muskegon.

The defense has admitted the married father of four had sex with the alleged victim, but she was 16 or older when the sex occurred.

The defense claims the woman was seeking revenge on Rolls because he refused to leave his wife in order to continue his relationship with the complainant.

The accusations led to Rolls resigning his seat on the Kent County Commission.

Outside the courtroom, O’Hara did not wish to make a comment. Kirkhoff was not immediately available.

Rolls was remanded to jail pending his sentencing on June 19 before Judge Dennis Leiber.

Former Kent County commissioner charged with child sexual abuse claims lies have destroyed prosecution's case
Muskegon Chronicle
May 11, 2014

GRAND RAPIDS, MI – The case against Gary Rolls has fundamentally fallen apart, leading to a deal that has the defendant - once accused of felonies carrying harsh prison terms - now facing at most a year in the jail he once oversaw as a Kent County commissioner.

Rolls quietly entered a guilty plea on Tuesday, May 13, to charges of illegal use of a computer, tampering with evidence and fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct, the least serious of Michigan's sexual misconduct laws.

Rolls, 47, was slated for a trial in Kent County Circuit Court on June 30 on four counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct. Those charges carried a potential maximum of life in prison, had he been convicted.

The computer and tampering crimes are felonies, but fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct is a high-court misdemeanor with a two-year maximum penalty.

But last week Rolls’ attorney, Jeffrey O’Hara, filed legal briefs claiming that Ionia County Chief Assistant Prosecutor Lori Kirkhoff has proof that the alleged victim lied repeatedly about details contained in her allegations regarding Rolls.

Rolls was accused of having sex with a Muskegon girl with whom he began a relationship in 1994 when she was 9 years old. The woman is now 29.

O’Hara claimed the alleged victim lied about numerous details in the case, including about her age, when incidents occurred, and when some photos held by the prosecution were taken.

The alleged victim reportedly told police she had photos sent to her in 1996 by Rolls of mutilated female genitalia. But O’Hara writes that tests done by the prosecution show that the earliest date the photo paper could have been created was 2004.

“What is remarkable about these lies is their elaborateness,” O’Hara writes. “The complainant stated repeatedly that the defendant gave her these female genital mutilation pictures when she was 12 years old and that the defendant made her carry them in her purse every day since 1996.”

O’Hara said the woman repeated the allegation regarding the photo to police and under oath during court hearings in Muskegon.

The defense has admitted the married father of four had sex with the alleged victim, but she was 16 or older when the sex occurred.

The defense claims the woman was seeking revenge on Rolls because he refused to leave his wife in order to continue his relationship with the complainant.

The accusations led to Rolls resigning his seat on the Kent County Commission.

Outside the courtroom, O’Hara did not wish to make a comment. Kirkhoff was not immediately available.

Rolls was remanded to jail pending his sentencing on June 19 before Judge Dennis Leiber.

Defense attorney: Alleged sex abuse victim a proven liar
Grand Rapids Press
May 10, 2014

Trial for former county commissioner Gary Rolls postponed until June 30

The trial for a former Kent County commissioner accused of child sexual abuse has been delayed after a defense attorney said the alleged victim is a proven liar.

The trial for Gary Rolls, 47, was slated to begin Monday in Kent County Circuit Court. Rolls faces four counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct, criminal use of a computer and tampering with evidence.

The trial has been postponed until June 30.

Rolls' attorney, Jeffrey O'Hara, has filed paperwork in the case claiming Ionia County Chief Assistant Prosecutor Lori Kirkhoff has proof the alleged victim has lied repeatedly about specific details contained in her allegations against Rolls.

Rolls is accused of having sex with a Muskegon girl with whom he allegedly began a relationship in 1994, when she was 9 years old. The woman now is 29.

O'Hara is seeking to limit the alleged victim's testimony, saying allowing her to testify about details that have been proven false would mean that she would be allowed to commit perjury in the prosecution of Rolls.

O'Hara alleged the defendant has lied about numerous details in the case, including her age, when incidents occurred and when some photos held by the prosecution were taken.

O'Hara contended alleged falsehoods should result in many of her allegations being excluded.

The defense has admitted the married father of four had sex with the alleged victim, but that she was 16 or older when the sex occurred.

The defense claims the woman is seeking revenge against Rolls because he refused to leave his wife for her.

"The prosecution knows that the defendant has a motive to lie because she had threatened to ruin the defendant's life," the defense document states.

The defense said it plans to introduce voicemails left by the alleged victim where she professed her love for Rolls and sought sexual relations with the defendant.

O'Hara also said Rolls passed two polygraph tests regarding his denial of the allegations, with results pending for another test.

O'Hara also is asking Judge Dennis Leiber to deny the admission of any reference to the nature of the sexual acts between Rolls and the alleged victim and the mention of sexual acts other than the specifically charged offenses, saying that would prejudice the jury.

Leiber has yet to rule on the defense request, but he did shoot down several other defense demands.

The judge ruled the defense will not have access to the journals and diaries of the alleged victim.

Leiber also ruled statements made by Rolls' wife are admissible by the prosecution. Rolls remains free on a $500,000 bond.

Court documents reveal possible Rolls' defense
May 9, 2014

Former Kent County commissioner charged with child sexual abuse claims lies have destroyed prosecution's case
Grand Rapids Press
May 9, 2014

GRAND RAPIDS, MI – The trial for a former Kent County commissioner accused of child sexual abuse has been delayed after a defense attorney said the alleged victim is a proven liar.

Gary Rolls, 47, was slated for trial in Kent County Circuit Court on Monday, May 12, on four counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct, criminal use of a computer and tampering with evidence. That trial now has been postponed until June 30.

Rolls’ attorney, Jeffrey O’Hara, has filed paperwork in the case claiming that Ionia County Chief Assistant Prosecutor Lori Kirkhoff has proof that the alleged victim has lied repeatedly about specific details contained in her allegations regarding Rolls.

Rolls is accused of having sex with a Muskegon girl with whom he allegedly began a relationship in 1994, when she was 9 years old. The woman is now 29.

O’Hara is seeking to limit the alleged victim’s testimony, saying allowing her to testify about details that have been proven false would mean that she would be allowed to commit perjury in the prosecution of Rolls.

O’Hara writes that the defendant has lied about numerous details in the case, including about her age, when incidents occurred, and when some photos held by the prosecution were taken.

The alleged victim reportedly told police she had photos sent to her in 1996 by Rolls of mutilated female genitalia. But O’Hara writes that tests done by the prosecution show that the earliest date the photo paper could have been created was 2004.

O’Hara said the woman repeated the allegation regarding the photo to police, and under oath during court hearings in Muskegon.

“What is remarkable about these lies is their elaborateness,” O’Hara writes. “The complainant stated repeatedly that the defendant gave her these female genital mutilation pictures when she was 12 years old and that the defendant made her carry them in her purse every day since 1996.”

O’Hara contends that this and other alleged falsehoods should result in many of her allegations being excluded.

The defense has admitted the married father of four had sex with the alleged victim, but that she was 16 or older when the sex occurred.

The defense claims the woman is seeking revenge on Rolls because he refused to leave his wife and take up with her.

“The prosecution knows that the defendant has a motive to lie because she had threatened to ruin the defendant’s life,” the defense document states.

O’Hara writes that the defense plans to introduce voicemails left by the alleged victim where she professed her love for Rolls and sought sexual relations with the defendant.

“These voicemails are completely inconsistent with claims of child abuse,” O’Hara writes.

O’Hara also states that his client has passed two polygraph tests regarding his denial of the allegations and the court is still awaiting results of another test, according to court records.

O’Hara is also asking Judge Dennis Leiber to deny the admission of any reference to the nature of the sexual acts between Rolls and the alleged victim and the mention of sexual acts other than the specifically charged offenses, saying that would prejudice the jury.

Leiber has yet to rule on the defense request, but he did shoot down several other defense demands.

The judge ruled that the defense will not have access to the journals and diaries of the alleged victim. Leiber also ruled that statements made by Rolls’ wife are admissible by the prosecution.

Rolls remains free on a $500,000 bond.

No change of venue in alleged child sex case
Grand Rapids Press
March 30, 2014

The trial for the former Kent County commissioner accused of sexually abusing a child will stay in Grand Rapids after a judge denied a request to move the case because of pre-trial publicity.

Jeffery O'Hara, Gary Rolls' defense attorney, claimed the media coverage surrounding Rolls' arrest and resignation from the county board would make it impossible to pick a fair and impartial jury, and he suggested Newaygo County might be a better venue.

"Do they not have television, newspapers or the Internet in Newaygo County?" Kent County Circuit Court Judge Dennis Leiber asked O'Hara during a hearing Friday.

Rolls is accused of having sex with a Muskegon girl with whom he began a relationship in 1994 when she was 9 years old. The woman is now 29 years old. He is charged with four counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct, using a computer to commit a crime and tampering with evidence.

O'Hara and Rolls contend the alleged victim is lying about her sexual activity with Rolls to get revenge after he decided to stay with his wife after an affair when the alleged victim was at least 16 years old.

Rolls resigned Dec. 12.

O'Hara pointed to numerous articles and reports regarding his client and mentioning the accusations.

"Every time it is in the media, it poisons jurors," O'Hara said.

Chief Assistant Ionia County Prosecutor Lori Kirkhoff is handling the case for the local prosecutor to avoid the appearance of conflict.

Kirchoff said there are 614,462 people in Kent County's jury pool and not all of them have been exposed to or prejudiced by media coverage of the allegations.

In denying the change of venue, Leiber referred to the 2009 trial of then Kent County Commissioner James Vaughn, who was convicted on misdemeanor charges of assault and domestic violence. Leiber said a jury was seated in that case without a problem even though it was tried with a jury pool only from the city of Grand Rapids.

Leiber said when it comes time to pick a jury for the case scheduled to come to trial May 12, it can be determined then whether it is possible to find an impartial jury.

Rolls remains free on a $500,000 bond.

Rolls admits to sex with alleged victim but not before she was 16
Grand Rapids Press
February 15, 2014

Gary Rolls admitted to having sex with the person who accused him of sexually abusing her beginning when she was in elementary school, but Rolls has claimed there was no sexual contact before the girl was 16.

Rolls' attorney, Jeffrey O'Hara, has filed a number of motions in Kent County Circuit Court that seek to have the trial moved to Newaygo County, to have Rolls' wife excluded from the investigation and demand the alleged victim produce her journal, which allegedly documents her sexual activity.

Rolls, a former Kent County commissioner, is accused of having sex with a Muskegon girl with whom he allegedly began a relationship in 1994, when she was 9. The woman now is 29.

Within the motions submitted to Judge Dennis Leiber, O'Hara wrote the alleged victim, referred to as "the complainant," is lying about her sexual activity with Rolls.

"(The) defendant and the complainant had an affair at a time when she was legally able to consent, there was no sexual activity of any sort before the complainant turned 16," O'Hara wrote.

"It is the defense's theory that the complainant is a troubled and maladjusted person who reacted to the defendant's decision to stay with his wife by making a false accusation, i.e., revenge."

As far as wanting to move the trial out of Kent County, O'Hara said the publicity regarding the allegations forced the "prominent local politician" to resign his position because "public servants, particularly politicians, are held to higher standards than other individuals."

Rolls was a Republican commissioner representing much of northeast Kent County until his resignation Dec. 12.

"These residents have almost certainly formed opinions about the defendant, and these opinions could well affect their ability to be fair jurors," O'Hara wrote. "The controversy surrounding the governor of New Jersey or the publicity surrounding a Republican congressman from Florida who was caught in a cocaine sting illustrates this issue."

Ionia County prosecutor
The prosecutor in the case is Chief Assistant Ionia County Prosecutor Lori Kirkhoff.

The Ionia County prosecutor's office is handling the case to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest.

Rolls is a married father of four. His wife and three other family members are listed as witnesses in court files.

O'Hara also filed a motion invoking "spousal privilege" to exclude statements made by his wife to investigators and to keep from being compelled to testify.

The motions are expected to come before Leiber on March 28 at which time the judge will rule as to whether the trial will be moved, or if any of the other motions will be granted.

The criminal trial is slated to begin May 12.

Rolls is free on a $500,000 bond.

Gary Rolls' defense admits sex with alleged assault victim, wants trial moved out of Kent County
Feb 14, 2014

GRAND RAPIDS, MI – Gary Rolls admits to having sex with the person who claims the former Kent County commissioner sexually abused her beginning when she was in elementary school, but Rolls claims there was no sexual contact before the girl was 16.

Rolls’ attorney, Jeffrey O’Hara, has filed a number of motions in Kent County Circuit Court that seek to have the trial moved to Newaygo County, seek to have Rolls' wife excluded from the investigation, and demands that the alleged victim produce her journal, which allegedly documents her sexual activity.

Rolls is accused of having sex with a Muskegon girl with whom he began a relationship in 1994 when she was 9. The woman is now 29.

Contained within the motions submitted to Judge Dennis Leiber, O’Hara writes that the alleged victim, referred to as “the complainant,” is lying about her sexual activity with Rolls.

“(The) defendant and the complainant had an affair at a time when she was legally able to consent, there was no sexual activity of any sort before the complainant turned 16,” O’Hara writes. “It is the defense’s theory that the complainant is a troubled and maladjusted person who reacted to the defendant’s decision to stay with his wife by making a false accusation, i.e., revenge.”

As far as wanting to move the trial out of Kent County, O’Hara says the publicity regarding the allegations forced the “prominent local politician” to resign his position because “public servants, particularly politicians, are held to higher standards than other individuals.”

Rolls was a Republican commissioner representing much of northeast Kent County until his resignation on Dec. 12.

“These residents have almost certainly formed opinions about the defendant and these opinions could well affect their ability to be fair jurors,” O’Hara wrote. “The controversy surrounding the governor of New Jersey or the publicity surrounding a Republican congressman from Florida who was caught in a cocaine sting illustrates this issue.”

“The defendant submits that it will be impossible for him to obtain a fair trial in Kent County,” O’Hara writes.

O'Hara does not say why he specifically picked Newaygo County as the preferred venue. The prosecutor in the case is Chief Assistant Ionia County Prosecutor Lori Kirkhoff.

The Ionia County Prosecutor’s Office is handling the case to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest.

In another separate motion, O'Hara says the Michigan State Police have photographs allegedly sent by Rolls to the alleged victim in 1996, when she was 12.

These photos allegedly depict mutilated female private parts intended as a warning of what would happen to the girl if she came forward with accusations against the defendant.

“It is the defense’s position that the complainant is lying,” O’Hara writes. “In order to establish that lie, the defense wishes to scientifically test the photographs to produce evidence that the photographs were created after 1996 (e.g. ink and paper testing for age) and to produce evidence that there is no scientific connection between the photographs and the defendant (e.g. lack of fingerprints or DNA).”

The motions also reference a claim by the alleged victim that Rolls took nude photos of her when she was 15 and those photos were kept in a safe.

The complainant also alleges that Rolls gave her and his wife identical rings when the alleged victim was 14. The defense claims the girl was 16 when he gave her the ring.

Rolls is a married father of four. His wife and three other members of the Rolls family are listed as witnesses in court files.

O’Hara has also filed a motion invoking “spousal privilege” to exclude statements made by his wife to investigators and to keep from being compelled to testify.

The motions are expected to come before Leiber on March 28 at which time the judge will rule as to whether the trial will be moved, or if any of the other motions will be granted.

The criminal trial is slated to begin on May 12.

Rolls is free on a $500,000 bond.

Former county commissioner rejects plea deal in sex case
Grand Rapids Press
January 9, 2014

A former Kent County commissioner charged with criminal sexual conduct turned down a plea offer, sending his case to a jury.

Gary Rolls, 47, rejected a deal on the record in Kent County Circuit Court that would have had him pleading guilty to one count of first-degree criminal sexual conduct, illegal use of a computer and tampering with evidence.

In exchange for the plea, Chief Assistant Ionia County Prosecutor Lori Kirkhoff said three additional charges of first-degree criminal sexual conduct would be dismissed.

The Ionia County prosecutor's office is handling the case to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest.

Through his attorney, Jeffrey O'Hara, Rolls rejected the plea offer Tuesday, meaning the case will be set for trial before Judge Dennis Leiber.

Rolls is accused of having sex with a minor from Muskegon with whom he began a relationship in 1994 when she was 9 years old. The alleged victim said Rolls paid for a Florida vacation and shoes, purses and jewelry to buy her silence, according to court records.

The allegations came to light last year when the now 28-year-old woman filled for a personal protection order in Muskegon County.

Rolls was the Republican commissioner representing much of Northeast Kent County living in Grattan Township until his resignation Dec. 12.

"I will use this time to prepare for trial to prove my absolute and complete innocence," Rolls wrote in his resignation letter.

The Grattan Township resident's Facebook page Gary Rolls for County Commissioner says Rolls was a senior account executive for an insurance agency.

The page also says Rolls participated with the church children's group AWANA and was involved in several anti-abortion organizations, including Right to Life, Alpha Women's Center, Baptists for Life, Crisis Pregnancy Center and Christian Counseling Center.

Rolls is a married father of four. His wife and three other members of the Rolls family are listed as witnesses in court files.

Rolls is free on a $500,000 bond, and no date has been set for trial at this time.

Ex-commissioner turns down plea deal in sex case
Muskegon Chronicle
January 9, 2014

A former Kent County commissioner charged with criminal sexual conduct involving a Muskegon County girl turned down a plea offer, sending his case to a jury.

Gary Rolls, 47, rejected a deal on the record in Kent County Circuit Court that would have had him pleading guilty to one count of first-degree criminal sexual conduct, illegal use of a computer and tampering with evidence.

In exchange for the plea, Chief Assistant Ionia County Prosecutor Lori Kirkhoff said three additional charges of first-degree criminal sexual conduct would be dismissed.

The Ionia County Prosecutor's Office is handling the case to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest.

Through his attorney, Jeffrey O'Hara, Rolls rejected the plea offer Tuesday, meaning the case will be set for trial before Judge Dennis Leiber.

Rolls is accused of having sex with a minor Muskegon resident with whom he began a relationship in 1994, when she was 9 years old.

The alleged victim said Rolls paid for a Florida vacation and shoes, purses and jewelry to buy her silence, according to court records.

The allegations came to light last year when the woman, now 28, filed for a personal protection order in Muskegon County.

Rolls was the Republican commissioner representing much of Northeast Kent County living until his resignation Dec. 12.

"I will use this time to prepare for trial to prove my absolute and complete innocence," Rolls wrote in his resignation letter.

The Grattan Township resident's Facebook page Gary Rolls for County Commissioner states Rolls was a senior account executive for an insurance agency.

The page also says Rolls participated with the church children's group AWANA and was involved in several anti-abortion organizations, including Right to Life, Alpha Women's Center, Baptists for Life, Crisis Pregnancy Center and Christian Counseling Center.

Rolls is a married father of four.

His wife and three other members of the Rolls family are listed as witnesses in court files.

Rolls is free on a $500,000 bond. No date has been set for trial.

Former Kent County Commissioner Gary Rolls turns down plea deal in criminal sexual conduct case
Jan 08, 2014

GRAND RAPIDS, MI – A former Kent County commissioner charged with criminal sexual conduct turned down a plea offer, sending his case to a jury.

Gary Rolls, 47, rejected a deal on the record in Kent County Circuit Court that would have had him pleading guilty to one count of first-degree criminal sexual conduct, illegal use of a computer and tampering with evidence.

In exchange for the plea, Chief Assistant Ionia County Prosecutor Lori Kirkhoff said three additional charges of first-degree criminal sexual conduct would be dismissed.

The Ionia County Prosecutor’s Office is handling the case to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest.

Through his attorney Jeffrey O’Hara, Rolls rejected the plea offer on Tuesday, Jan. 7, meaning the case will be set for trial before Judge Dennis Leiber.

Rolls is accused of having sex with a minor Muskegon resident with whom he began a relationship in 1994 when she was 9 years old. The alleged victim said Rolls paid for a Florida vacation and shoes, purses and jewelry to buy her silence, according to court records.

The allegations came to light last year when the now 28-year-old woman filled for a personal protection order in Muskegon County.

Rolls was the Republican commissioner representing much of Northeast Kent County living in Grattan Township until his resignation Dec. 12, 2013.

"I will use this time to prepare for trial to prove my absolute and complete innocence,” Rolls wrote in his resignation letter.

The Grattan Township resident's Facebook page Gary Rolls for County Commissioner states Rolls was a senior account executive for an insurance agency.

The page also says Rolls participated with the church children’s group AWANA and was involved in several anti-abortion organizations including Right to Life, Alpha Women's Center, Baptists for Life, Crisis Pregnancy Center and Christian Counseling Center.

Rolls is a married father of four. His wife and three other members of the Rolls family are listed as witnesses in court files.

Rolls is free on a $500,000 bond and no date has been set for trial at this time.

Kent County leaders react to resignation of embattled commissioner Gary Rolls
Posted Dec 12, 2013

GRAND RAPIDS, MI – Kent County commissioners say their unanimous acceptance of embattled Commissioner Gary Rolls' resignation from the body on which he has served for more than a decade speaks for itself.

Rolls, R-Grattan Township, resigned Thursday, Dec. 12, three weeks after being arrested outside a county board meeting on four counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct, using a computer to commit a crime and tampering with evidence.

After the allegations against Rolls arose last year, several commissioners had expressed hopes they would be proven false.

Support for Rolls has waned in recent weeks since the charges were filed. Several commissioners approached board Chairman Dan Koorndyk, R-Grand Rapids, expressing concerns about the charges damaging the Republican brand, Koorndyk said. Koorndyk said he's spoken with Rolls several times in the two weeks since Rolls' arrest, encouraging his colleague to resign.

"It's a distraction for the county being able to conduct its business," Koorndyk said. "We mutually decided it would be in his best interest to resign. He accepted it and I wish him the best.

"The impetus came from the party for obvious reasons," Koorndyk added. He declined to elaborate.

County Republican Party Chairman Chris Beckering disagreed with Koorndyk's assertion that the party pressured Rolls to resign. He said Rolls ultimately made the call himself.

“Gary made a decision and I think that was the responsible decision considering the circumstances,” Beckering said. “Gary is facing charges as you are well aware and given the circumstances he made the decision that he wouldn’t be able to put in the time to fulfill his duties as a commissioner.”

The charges stem from allegations by a 28-year-old Muskegon-area woman that Rolls, a former neighbor, began inappropriately touching her beginning when she was 9. The woman alleged the abuse continued for years.

Commissioner Dick VanderMolen, R-Kentwood, who served with Rolls on the county’s department of public works board, said he’d heard rumors in recent days that Rolls might resign. He declined to speculate what his colleagues think of the situation but noted the resignation was accepted on a 17-0 vote.

“We accepted it unanimously, which I guess sort of speaks for itself,” VanderMolen said.

“If he can’t fulfill his duties as a commissioner he should have resigned,” VanderMolen added. “I suppose he could have continued to come to meetings, but he didn’t so it was a good decision for his part and the county’s.”

Rolls missed a lengthy string of county board and committee meetings after the allegations first surfaced last year. He has since attended meetings regularly until his arrest last month.

Commissioner Jim Saalfeld, R-Grand Rapids Township, recalled Rolls’ absence from the county board’s Legislative and Human Resources Committee meetings, which he chairs.

"I've not talked to Gary and have had very limited conversations with the party but I can understand why they would think this is a good move as well," Saalfeld said. "The bottom line is, all the committees that Gary is working on would be affected."

Commissioner Jim Talen, D-Grand Rapids, recalled an incident in 2008 for which former County Commissioner James Vaughn, D-Grand Rapids, was convicted of misdemeanor assault and domestic violence against a woman with whom he had allegedly proposed a three-way sexual tryst.

"This is the second time in my recent tenure that this has happened and it's a black mark against Kent County," Talen said. "I'm surprised that there isn't a way to remove a commissioner for certain kinds of conduct, though I'm not sure where you would draw the line."

County board Chairman Koorndyk has 30 days from the Jan. 1, 2014 effective date of Roll's resignation to appoint a replacement to serve out the rest of his term, which runs through next year.

Grand Rapids Police Sgt. Matt Janiskee has said he plans to run in next summer’s Republican Primary for the county’s District 4 seat, which represents Cannon, Grattan, Oakfield and Vergennes townships.

Kent County leaders welcome Rolls' resignation
Muskegon Chronicle
December 13, 2013

Kent County commissioners say their unanimous acceptance of embattled Commissioner Gary Rolls' resignation from the body on which he has served for more than a decade speaks for itself.

Rolls, R-Grattan Township, resigned Thursday, three weeks after being arrested outside a county board meeting on four counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct, using a computer to commit a crime and tampering with evidence.

After the allegations against Rolls arose last year, several commissioners had expressed hopes they would be proven false.

Support for Rolls has waned in recent weeks since the charges were filed. Several commissioners approached board Chairman Dan Koorndyk, R-Grand Rapids, expressing concerns about the charges damaging the Republican brand, Koorndyk said.

Since Rolls' arrest, Koorndyk said he has spoken with him several times encouraging his colleague to resign.

"It's a distraction for the county being able to conduct its business," Koorndyk said. "We mutually decided it would be in his best interest to resign. He accepted it, and I wish him the best.

"The impetus came from the party for obvious reasons," Koorndyk added. He declined to elaborate.

County Republican Party Chairman Chris Beckering disagreed with Koorndyk's assertion the party pressured Rolls to resign. He said Rolls ultimately made the call himself.

"Gary made a decision, and I think that was the responsible decision considering the circumstances," Beckering said. "Gary is facing charges as you are well aware, and given the circumstances, he made the decision that he wouldn't be able to put in the time to fulfill his duties as a commissioner."

The charges stem from allegations by a 28-year-old Muskegon-area woman that Rolls, a former neighbor, began inappropriately touching her beginning when she was 9. The woman alleged the abuse continued for years.

Rolls missed a lengthy string of county board and committee meetings after the allegations first surfaced last year.

He has since attended meetings regularly until his arrest last month.

Commissioner Dick VanderMolen, R-Kentwood, who served with Rolls on the county's department of public works board, said he'd heard rumors in recent days that Rolls might resign. He declined to speculate what his colleagues think of the situation but noted the resignation was accepted on a 17-0 vote.

"We accepted it unanimously, which I guess sort of speaks for itself," VanderMolen said.

"If he can't fulfill his duties as a commissioner he should have resigned," VanderMolen added. "I suppose he could have continued to come to meetings, but he didn't so it was a good decision for his part and the county's."

Gary Rolls resigns under pressure from GOP
Dec 12, 2013

KENT COUNTY, MI – County Commissioner Gary Rolls, R-Grattan Township, has resigned.

Kent County Commission Chairman Dan Koorndyk at a Thursday, Dec. 12, board meeting said he received a brief resignation letter from Rolls, effective Jan. 1. When asked if he had persuaded Rolls to resign, Koorndyk said the pressure came from the local GOP.

"I have resigned from the Board of Commissioners," Rolls wrote. "I thank citizens of Kent County and my constituents of the current and former 4th District for allowing me to serve you.

"I will use this time to prepare for trial to prove my absolute and complete innocence."

The board will have until the end of January to appoint a replacement for the final year of Rolls' term, which runs through 2014. Rolls represents the 4th District, which includes Lowell and Cannon, Grattan, Oakfield and Vergennes townships.

Rolls,47, was arrested last month outside a county board meeting and charged with four counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct, using a computer to commit a crime and tampering with evidence.

Allegations of the sexual misconduct came to light in 2012 – after Rolls won a Republican primary election – when a 28-year-old Muskegon-area woman claimed Rolls had sexually assaulted her for years, with sexual touching beginning at age 9.

Rolls, who posted a $500,000 bond, waived a court hearing last week.

To apply for the board's upcoming appointment, send a letter and resume to the Board of Commissioners Office, 300 Monroe Ave. NW, by Jan. 6.

Rolls was in Kent County District Court on Wednesday, Dec. 4, where he waived a probable cause hearing that would have required prosecutors to prove to a judge there is enough evidence to send the case to circuit court.

Rolls is a married father of four and the Republican commissioner representing much of northeast Kent County based in Grattan Township.

The victim, a Muskegon resident, said her relationship began in 1994 when she was 9 years old and included Rolls paying for a Florida vacation and purchases of shoes, purses and jewelry to buy her silence, according to court records.

The allegations came to light last year when the now 28-year-old woman filed for a personal protection order in Muskegon County.

Rolls is free on a $500,000 bond.

Kent County commissioner resigns after arrest
Grand Rapids Business Journal
December 12, 2013

The Kent County Board of Commissioners unanimously accepted the resignation of a county commissioner on Thursday morning.

County Commissioner Gary Rolls’ resignation is effective on Jan. 1.

Rolls was arraigned in Kent County Circuit Court late last month on four counts of first degree felony criminal sexual conduct and two counts of evidence tampering and using a computer to commit a crime.

Rolls has been accused of molesting a Muskegon woman, beginning when she was nine years old until she turned 23.

The 47-year-old commissioner has served on the county board since 2003.

“I thank the citizens of Kent County and my constituents of the current and former 4th District for allowing me to serve you,” said Rolls in a statement. “I will use this time to prepare for trial to prove my absolute and complete innocence.”

Rolls was re-elected to the board in 2012 and represents the county’s 4th District, which includes the city of Lowell and Cannon, Grattan, Oakfield and Vergennes townships.

“We appreciate that he recognizes it is better for the Board of Commissioners to select a new member who can represent District 4 without distraction,” said Dan Koorndyk, board chair.

Board vacancy
State law allows the commission to name a replacement to fill Rolls’ term, which expires on Dec. 31, 2014.

The board has 30 days after the effective resignation date to name an individual.

Koorndyk said people interested in filling the term should send a letter and a resume to the Board of Commissioners, 300 Monroe Ave. NW, Grand Rapids, Mich., 49503, by Jan. 6.

The county’s Executive Committee will review all applications and then make a recommendation to the full board on how to proceed.

Commissioners will make their decision before the end of January.

County official charged with assault is resigning
Associated Press State Wire
December 12, 2013

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (AP) — A Kent County elected official charged with sexual assault says he's quitting on Jan. 1.

Gary Rolls has been a county commissioner in the Grand Rapids area for nearly 12 years. He was charged last month with first-degree criminal sexual conduct. The alleged victim is in her late 20s and lives in the Muskegon area. Authorities say the allegations go back many years.

In a statement Thursday, Rolls says he'll prove his "absolute and complete innocence" at trial.

The 47-year-old Rolls was arrested after a county board meeting on Nov. 21.

Kent County Commissioner Gary Rolls Resigns
Dec 12, 2013

Kent Co. Commissioner Rolls Jr. resigns
Dec 12, 2013

Kent County leaders react to resignation of embattled commissioner Gary Rolls
Muskegon Chronicle
December 12, 2013

GRAND RAPIDS, MI – Kent County commissioners say their unanimous acceptance of embattled Commissioner Gary Rolls’ resignation from the body on which he has served for more than a decade speaks for itself.

Rolls, R-Grattan Township, resigned Thursday, Dec. 12, three weeks after being arrested outside a county board meeting on four counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct, using a computer to commit a crime and tampering with evidence.

After the allegations against Rolls arose last year, several commissioners had expressed hopes they would be proven false.

Support for Rolls has waned in recent weeks since the charges were filed. Several commissioners approached board Chairman Dan Koorndyk, R-Grand Rapids, expressing concerns about the charges damaging the Republican brand, Koorndyk said. Koorndyk said he’s spoken with Rolls several times in the two weeks since Rolls’ arrest, encouraging his colleague to resign.

“It’s a distraction for the county being able to conduct its business,” Koorndyk said. “We mutually decided it would be in his best interest to resign. He accepted it and I wish him the best.

“The impetus came from the party for obvious reasons,” Koorndyk added. He declined to elaborate.

County Republican Party Chairman Chris Beckering disagreed with Koorndyk’s assertion that the party pressured Rolls to resign. He said Rolls ultimately made the call himself.

“Gary made a decision and I think that was the responsible decision considering the circumstances,” Beckering said. “Gary is facing charges as you are well aware and given the circumstances he made the decision that he wouldn’t be able to put in the time to fulfill his duties as a commissioner.”

The charges stem from allegations by a 28-year-old Muskegon-area woman that Rolls, a former neighbor, began inappropriately touching her beginning when she was 9. The woman alleged the abuse continued for years.

Commissioner Dick VanderMolen, R-Kentwood, who served with Rolls on the county’s department of public works board, said he’d heard rumors in recent days that Rolls might resign. He declined to speculate what his colleagues think of the situation but noted the resignation was accepted on a 17-0 vote.

“We accepted it unanimously, which I guess sort of speaks for itself,” VanderMolen said.

“If he can’t fulfill his duties as a commissioner he should have resigned,” VanderMolen added. “I suppose he could have continued to come to meetings, but he didn’t so it was a good decision for his part and the county’s.”

Rolls missed a lengthy string of county board and committee meetings after the allegations first surfaced last year. He has since attended meetings regularly until his arrest last month.

Commissioner Jim Saalfeld, R-Grand Rapids Township, recalled Rolls’ absence from the county board’s Legislative and Human Resources Committee meetings, which he chairs.

“I’ve not talked to Gary and have had very limited conversations with the party but I can understand why they would think this is a good move as well,” Saalfeld said. “The bottom line is, all the committees that Gary is working on would be affected.”

Commissioner Jim Talen, D-Grand Rapids, recalled an incident in 2008 for which former County Commissioner James Vaughn, D-Grand Rapids, was convicted of misdemeanor assault and domestic violence against a woman with whom he had allegedly proposed a three-way sexual tryst.

“This is the second time in my recent tenure that this has happened and it’s a black mark against Kent County,” Talen said. “I’m surprised that there isn’t a way to remove a commissioner for certain kinds of conduct, though I’m not sure where you would draw the line.”

County board Chairman Koorndyk has 30 days from the Jan. 1, 2014 effective date of Roll’s resignation to appoint a replacement to serve out the rest of his term, which runs through next year.

Grand Rapids Police Sgt. Matt Janiskee has said he plans to run in next summer’s Republican Primary for the county’s District 4 seat, which represents Cannon, Grattan, Oakfield and Vergennes townships.

• Kent County Commissioner Gary Rolls waives court hearing on child sex charges

• Kent County leader vows to 'prove my innocence,' held on $500,000 bond in alleged sexual assaults

• Gary Rolls allegedly purchased secret Florida trip, motel visits with sex assault victim

• How Gary Rolls arrest went down: Kent County colleague calls it 'dignified'

Police sergeant eyes county commission seat
December 08, 2013
Grand Rapids Press

Grand Rapids Police Sgt. Matt Janiskee plans to run for the Kent County Board of Commissioners seat held by embattled Republican Gary Rolls, who is facing multiple allegations of sex abuse against a former neighbor.

Janiskee, of Cannon Township, said he has long considered a run for the District 4 office.

Kent County Commissioner waives court hearing on child sex charges
Grand Rapids Press
December 6, 2013

A Kent County commissioner might face life in prison, if convicted, after waiving a court hearing that resulted in his case heading to felony court.

Gary Rolls, 47, is facing four charges of first-degree criminal-sexual conduct stemming from allegations he had sexual relations with a girl starting when she was 9 and continuing until she was 17.

Rolls also is charged with computer crimes and tampering with evidence, both 10-year felonies.

Rolls was in Kent County District Court on Wednesday, where he waived a probable cause hearing that would have required prosecutors to prove to a judge there is enough evidence to send the case to circuit court. Instead, the case automatically moves to the higher court.

Rolls is a married father of four and the Republican commissioner representing much of northeast Kent County. He lives in Grattan Township.

The victim, a Muskegon resident, said their relationship began in 1994 when she was 9 years old and included Rolls paying for a Florida vacation and purchases of shoes, purses and jewelry to buy her silence, according to court records.

The allegations came to light last year when the woman, now 28, filed for a personal protection order.

Rolls is free on a $500,000 bond.

Kent County Commissioner Heading to Federal Court
WHTC Radio
Thursday, December 05, 2013

(WHTC) -- A Kent County Commissioner arrested in November and charged with four counts of first-degree criminal-sexual conduct waived a court hearing on Wednesday. 

The case against 47-year-old Gary Rolls is now headed to federal court. A 28-year-old woman made allegations that Rolls had sexual relations with her beginning when she was nine years old and continued until she was 17. 

He’s also charged with computer crimes and tampering with evidence. Both are 10 year felonies. 

Rolls was in Kent County District Court on Wednesday where he waived a probable cause hearing. Rolls is currently free on a 500-thousand dollar bond.

Kent County Commissioner Gary Rolls waives court hearing on child sex charges
December 05, 2013

GRAND RAPIDS TOWNSHIP, MI – A Kent County Commissioner faces the potential of life in prison after waiving a court hearing that results in his case heading to felony court.
Gary Rolls, 47, is facing four charges of first-degree criminal-sexual conduct stemming from allegations he had sexual relations with a girl starting when she was 9 and continuing until she was 17.
Rolls is also charged with computer crimes and tampering with evidence, both 10-year felonies.

Rolls was in Kent County District Court on Wednesday, Dec. 4, where he waived a probable cause hearing that would have required prosecutors to prove to a judge there is enough evidence to send the case to circuit court.

Rolls is a married father of four and the Republican commissioner representing much of northeast Kent County based in Grattan Township.

The victim, a Muskegon resident, said her relationship began in 1994 when she was 9 years old and included Rolls paying for a Florida vacation and purchases of shoes, purses and jewelry to buy her silence, according to court records.

The allegations came to light last year when the now 28-year-old woman filed for a personal protection order in Muskegon County.
Rolls is free on a $500,000 bond.

Kent County commissioner leaves Lowell without representation
Lowell Ledger
December 4, 2013

Gary Rolls, the Kent County commissioner accused of sexually molesting a Muskegon woman for years, has not been attending the commission's meetings. Rolls represents Lowell on the commission. He is also responsible for Cannon, Grattan, Oakfield and Vergennes townships. This body is responsible for the county's budget, taxes, selection of judges, as well as decisions about property and buildings owned by the county. With Rolls absent, Lowell does not have a voice in these meetings.

"In the short term, Mr. Rolls' absence from the county commission should not have much effect on the representation of the city of Lowell," said mayor Jim Hodges. Lowell city manager Mark Howe declined to comment, stating it was "a political issue."

"If there is a lengthy no-show period, more than perhaps six months, then perhaps adequate changes may need to take place," Hodges said. "He is entitled to his day in court."

Commissioner Charged With Sex Crimes Now Heading For A Possible Trial
FOX 17
December 04, 2013

Kent County, Mich. — Kent County Commissioner Gary Rolls of Ada waived his preliminary hearing in court Wednesday, December, 4.

"Within the next 42 days, they`re going to set up your case downtown," Judge Sara J. Smolenski of 63rd District Court.
It was a quick court appearance for Rolls.

Since the hearing was waived, the case will head straight to the circuit court for possible trial without early testimony from witnesses.

He is charged with six counts including: first-degree criminal sexual conduct, evidence tampering and using a computer to commit a crime.

He’s accused of sexually assaulting a woman from the time she was 9 years old until the age of 23.

Michigan State Police also allege that Rolls remotely deleted evidence that may have been contained on his I-Pad as the investigation was ongoing.

Some of the testimony that may come out at trial may include some accusations already discussed during a protection order hearing for the alleged victim.

She testified that Rolls had used threats involving a concealed weapons permit gun to convince her not to tell others about the relationship.

She stated to the courts that Rolls had told her, "If you tell anyone I will take care of you and no one would ever know who did it."

Detective Denise Bentley previously testified that when they searched Rolls’ home, they discovered a number of weapons registered to him, including 19 handguns.

Judge Smolenski reminded Rolls that he was not permitted to have contact with the alleged victim while he is out on bond.

She also clarified that he would be allowed to continue to use his I-Phone for work purposes.

Part of his bond restrictions prohibit him from using computers except when it comes to his job.

Rolls will remain out on bond as the case is now heading to circuit court.

He told a judge during arraignment he would be working to prove his innocence.

Gary Rolls waives hearing on six felony charges
Dec 4, 2013

GRAND RAPIDS TOWNSHIP, Mich. (WZZM) -- Kent County Commissioner Gary Rolls has been ordered to stand trial for sexually assaulting a former neighbor in Rockford over several years.

Rolls, 47, appeared in 63rd District Court today, where he waived his preliminary hearing on six felony charges. The case now proceeds to Kent County Circuit Court.

Rolls is charged with six felonies, including first-degree criminal sexual conduct, which authorities say started in July 1994 when the victim was about 10-years-old.

In addition to the sexual assaults, investigators say Rolls took nude photos of the victim about the time she turned 15. Images were taken using a video camera, digital camera and Rolls' cell phone. Rolls kept photos in a safe in his house and on his computer, the victim told state police investigators.

He is also charged with tampering with evidence after investigators say he set up a remote erase of his iPad. If convicted, Rolls faces up to life in prison.

During Wednesday's brief hearing, Judge Sara Smolenski told Rolls he could use his computer and iPhone for business, but could have "absolutely no contact'' with the victim using an electronic device.

Rolls remains free on a $500,000 bond. Rolls, who was elected to the Kent County Board of Commissioners in 2002, won re-election in 2012. His term runs through 2014.

He was arrested Nov. 22 after a meeting of the Kent County Board of Commissioners. His 4th District seat includes Cannon, Grattan and Oakfield townships.

Questions over Rolls' commission duties
Kent Co. Commissioners concerned about absences
November 26, 2013

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) - The Kent County Board of Commission's Legislative and Human Resources Committee went on with business one member short Tuesday morning.

Gary Rolls was a no-show.

After missing several meetings late last year after accusations that he had molested a family friend since she was 9 years old went public, Rolls' attendance at County Board meetings had improved.

Before Tuesday, he had missed two meetings. The average commissioner has missed three, according to Board Chairman Dan Koorndyk.

But what if the absences become a pattern?

No one on the county board who spoke to 24 Hour News 8 is directly calling for Rolls' resignation.

"I would say though that any commissioner that has a problem that is going to keep them from attending meetings should think strongly about whether or not they should continue on or whether it's time to resign," District 11 Commissioner Jim Saalfeld said following Tuesday's meeting.

But Oakfield Township Supervisor Greg Dean isn't pulling any punches when it comes to Rolls.

"It is time for him to resign so that we can get somebody in there as our county commissioners that can do the job," Dean said.

Rolls was charged last week with six felony counts connected to the alleged molestation of a now 20-something friend of Rolls' family beginning when she was nine.

The 19-member Kent County Board of Commissioners makes decisions vital to Dean's township. Dean said residents need dependable representation.

"So that we've got a say at what goes on in county government as far as spending our tax dollars," he said. "Last week I had a couple of questions I needed answered, called Gary, he didn't return my call."

There are murmurs that a letter asking for Roll's resignation has been in the works since news of the accusations first broke last fall.

Tuesday, 24 Hour News 8 confirmed supervisors in Oakfield, Vergenes, Grattan and Cannon townships and the City of Lowell -- all part of Rolls' district -- are considering a letter. It would not take the direct approach Dean is suggesting, but would ask Rolls to consider his ability to represent the thousands of people in his district.

"If that means resigning, it mean resigning. If that means not running again, it means not running again," said Cannon Township Supervisor Steve Grimm.

Backers say it is not a judgment on his innocence or guilt.

"We just are concerned that the focus will not be on representation it should be at the county level," Grimm said.

If Rolls' doesn't resign, there's nothing the county board can do. They have no power to remove a sitting member. The voters could remove Roll by way of recall, but that's expensive.

"Gary Rolls should realize that, and not want people to waste the taxpayers dollars," Dean said. "That's why I think resignation is the best way to go."

Kent County Commissioner Gary Rolls out of jail on multiple sex charges
November 25, 2013

Rolls, 47, is facing four charges of first-degree criminal-sexual conduct, potential life offenses if he's convicted. Three of the charges involve sex assaults of a child. Another allegedly occurred when the victim was 17.

He’s also accused of using a computer to solicit another to tamper with evidence, and tampering with evidence, both 10-year felonies.

Rolls is a Grattan Township Republican. Police say in court records he had a long relationship with the victim that began in 1994 when she was 9 or 10. She came forward last year at the age of 28. She and Rolls were once neighbors.

He allegedly paid for a Florida vacation and jewelry, shoes and purses to keep her quiet.
She lives in Muskegon. She came forward last year by filing a personal-protection order against him.

Rolls is a married father of four.

Kent Co. Commissioner Out of Jail After being Arrested For CSC
FOX 17 News
November 24, 2013

KENT COUNTY, Mich- A Kent County commissioner is out of jail Sunday after being arrested on Thursday after a commissioners meeting.

According to Kent County Jail records, Gary Rolls bonded out of the Kent County Jail on Saturday. Rolls faces charges that include criminal sexual conduct, evidence tampering and using a computer to commit a crime. He was arrested Thursday morning when he left the commission chambers towards the end of a meeting.

Allegations first surfaced in late October of 2012 when the woman, then in her late 20′s, tried to get a protection order against Rolls.

Then in late 2012 and early 2013, Rolls was in court fighting that protection order from his alleged victim, who claimed that he had been sexually assaulting her and controlling her since she was around 9 years old until she was 23.

Court documents indicate that many of the official charges stem from when she was between 12 and 16 years old.

Rolls is scheduled back in court for a hearing on December, 4.

Kent County leader held on $500,000 bond for alleged sexual assaults
Grand Rapids Press
November 23, 2013

Kent County Commissioner Gary Rolls was ordered jailed Friday on $500,000 bond on sexual abuse charges that date to 1994.

Rolls appeared stunned by the high bond.

He stammered briefly.

"I would respectfully plead with the court to bond ... something that I could potentially manage so I could effectively work with my attorney to prove my innocence," he told Grand Rapids Township District Judge Sara Smolenski.

He asked Smolenski to allow him to pay a percentage of his bond for release. She refused.

Rolls, in a green jail smock, was arraigned via video link to the Kent County Correctional Facility where he has been since his arrest Thursday after a Kent County Board of Commissioners' meeting.

His attorney, Jeffrey O'Hara, said after the hearing: "My client maintains his complete and absolute innocence."

He didn't want to comment further, but acknowledged, "It's an awful high bond."

Smolenski said she set bond based on the seriousness of the allegations.

Rolls, 47, is facing four charges of first-degree criminal sexual conduct, life offenses, and using a computer to solicit another to tamper with evidence, and tampering with evidence, both 10-year felonies.

Ionia County Prosecutor Ronald Schafer, who is handling the case because of Rolls' position as a county leader, authorized the charges.

Rolls, a Grattan Township Republican, is accused of having a long-running sexual relationship that began in 1994 when the alleged victim was 9 or 10.

The alleged victim was 28 when she came forward with the allegations in 2012. Rolls is a former neighbor.

She told police that Rolls sexually assaulted her until she was 23. He allegedly took her on a secret vacation to Florida and bought her jewelry, shoes and purses to keep her quiet. He allegedly obtained a credit card in both of their names to pay for motel rooms.

The alleged victim, who lives in Muskegon, came forward after Rolls won the Republican primary last year. She also filed a personal-protection order against him.

The alleged abuse involved sexual touching and other acts, but Rolls forced her to have sexual intercourse when she was 17, the alleged victim told police. She said Rolls also took nude photos and videos, police said in court records.

Police used a search warrant at Rolls' home in October 2012 and took his iPad, which automatically began deleting memory when examiners tried to look at its contents.

Commissioner faces four counts of criminal sexual conduct
Muskegon Chronicle
November 23, 2013

Kent County Commissioner Gary Rolls allegedly held a separate credit account with the woman he is accused of sexually assaulting for 13 years so he could purchase a secret trip to Florida for two of them, motel rooms and gifts, according to court documents.

Rolls, 47, was arrested Thursday after a board meeting at the county offices in Grand Rapids. He is in jail and was expected to be arraigned Friday in Kent County District Court on four counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct, using a computer to commit a crime and tampering with evidence.

The charges carry a maximum penalty of life in prison if the Grattan Township Republican is convicted. Ionia County Prosecutor Ronald Schafer is handling the case for the state and announced the filing of the charges Thursday.

The victim, who was 28 when she came forward to authorities in 2012, told police Rolls is her former neighbor. The Muskegon-area woman alleged Rolls sexually assaulted her beginning when she was 9 or 10 years old, and the misconduct continued until she was 23, court documents state.

The victim said Rolls took her on a trip to Florida in February 2004 without his wife's knowledge.

Rolls obtained a credit card with the victim between 2000 and 2004, using it to pay for hotel and motel rooms they used during the alleged assaults, according to a search warrant documents. He purchased jewelry, shoes and purses for the victim to discourage her from revealing the sexual abuse, documents state.

Rolls' term runs through 2014. He will remain in office through the end of his term unless he resigns or gets recalled, county election officials said.

Kent County leader vows to 'prove my innocence,' held on $500,000 bond in alleged sexual assaults
Nov 22, 2013

GRAND RAPIDS, MI – Kent County Commissioner Gary Rolls was ordered jailed Friday, Nov. 22, on $500,000 bond for sexual abuse charges that date to 1994.

Rolls appeared stunned by the high bond. He stammered briefly.

“I would respectfully plead with the court to bond … something that I could potentially manage so I could effectively work with my attorney to prove my innocence,” he told Grand Rapids Township District Judge Sara Smolenski.

He asked Smolenski to allow him to pay a percentage of his bond for release. She refused.

Rolls, in a green jail smock, was arraigned via video link to the Kent County Correctional Facility where he has been since his arrest Thursday after a Kent County Board of Commissioners’ meeting.

His attorney, Jeffrey O’Hara, said after the hearing: “My client maintains his complete and absolute innocence.”

He didn’t want to comment further, but acknowledged, “It’s an awful high bond.”

Smolenski said she set bond based on the seriousness of the allegations.

Rolls, 47, is facing four charges of first-degree criminal sexual conduct, potential life offenses if he's convicted, and using a computer to solicit another to tamper with evidence, and tampering with evidence, both 10-year felonies.

Ionia County Prosecutor Ronald Schafer, who is handling the case because of Rolls’ position as a county leader, authorized the charges.

Rolls, a Grattan Township Republican, is accused of having a long-running sexual relationship that began in 1994 when the alleged victim was 9 or 10.

The alleged victim was 28 when she came forward with the allegations in 2012. Rolls is a former neighbor.

She told police that Rolls sexually assaulted her until she was 23. He allegedly took her on a secret vacation to Florida, and bought her jewelry, shoes and purses to keep her quiet. He allegedly obtained a credit card in both of their names to pay for motel rooms.

The alleged victim, who lives in Muskegon, came forward while Rolls was campaiging for re-election in the Republican primary last year. She filed a personal-protection order against him.

The alleged abuse involved sexual touching and other acts, but Rolls forced her to have sexual intercourse when she was 17, the alleged victim told police. She said Rolls also took nude photos and videos, police said in court records.

Police used a search warrant at Rolls’ home in October 2012 and took his iPad, which automatically began deleting memory when examiners tried to look at its contents.

Rolls lives with his wife and three of their children. A fourth is away at college, court records show.

Gary Rolls video arraignment on sex charges
November 22, 2013

Commissioner Accused Of CSC, Denied Request For Lower Bond
FOX 17 News
November 22, 2013

Kent County, Mich. — Kent County Commissioner Gary Rolls was arraigned in Kent County Court on four counts of first degree felony criminal sexual conduct and two counts of evidence tampering and using a computer to commit a crime.

Rolls is accused of molesting a Muskegon woman since she was nine years old until the age of 23.

Her attorney said Rolls controlled her through a relationship that included a mixture of threats, gifts and manipulations.

Court documents state she received a protection order against Rolls on September, 26, 2012.

That protection order hearing launched a criminal investigation into Rolls involving the Michigan State Police.

Rolls and his attorney didn’t appear happy with the bond they received in Kent County Court.

The commissioner asked that the judge lower it so that he could get out to create a better defense.

"Your honor. Is it possible to do a percent bond? A bond, something that I could potentially manage so I could work with my attorney to prove my innocence. If I’m incarcerated, I won’t be able to work with him," said Rolls.

Judge Sara Smolenski said, "The court’s decision is to treat you like anybody else who goes through the court process and that is a cash surety bond of that nature."

Rolls is also accused of using a remote command from a different computer to erase evidence from his I-Pad after Michigan State Police began investigating.

Court documents reveal that the evidence they were looking for on the computer that was allegedly erased was pictures of the victim.

Detectives stated, "Gary Rolls started taking nude pictures of her and pictures of her with digital cameras, video cameras, and his cell phone."

"The victim said Rolls kept the photos and videos in a safe in his house and on his computers," they said.

Other physical evidence that we discovered police were searching for to build the case, jewelry.

Investigators stated, "Rolls gave her several gifts of jewelry from Waterfall Jewelers, which was owned by his cousin Mark Ettinger."

"One of these gifts was a ring with a gold band and a blue stone, which was similar or identical to a ring Rolls had purchased for his wife during the same time frame," said detectives.

Although Rolls doesn’t have a record, the judge cited the serious nature of the charges when she gave him the $500,000 bond.

Rolls’ attorney said his client maintains his innocence and said he felt that the bond was high, but failed to respond to the question of whether he wants to lower it at the preliminary hearing.

"It’s an awfully high bond. But, I think the judge made her decision based on the case," Jeffrey O’Hara, defense attorney.

The County Administrator said Rolls’ term on the Kent County Commission runs through December of 2014.

Commissioners cannot vote to remove him from his seat.

If the public wanted to remove him from office, they would have to initiate some sort of recall or Rolls would have to resign.

He will be scheduled back in court for a hearing on December, 4.

Kent County Commissioner Gary Rolls arrested for sex crimes against minor
The Examiner
November 22, 2013

Kent County Commissioner Gary Rolls was arrested on Thursday, Nov. 21, 2013 on four charges of first degree criminal sexual conduct, one charge of using a computer to commit a crime, and one charge of tampering with evidence. Rolls was arrested after a board meeting and is expected to be arraigned on Friday, Nov. 22, 2013 in Kent County District Court.

Allegations of the alleged sexual misconduct were made in 2012, when a woman, who was 28 at that time, came forward accusing Rolls of sexually assaulting her from the age of 9 to 23. The victim made the allegations after Rolls won a Republican primary election.

According to reports, Rolls had set up a credit card account with the victim, which was used to rent motel rooms and buy her gifts. The credit card was also used to purchase a trip to Florida in 2004, in which Rolls took the victim on this trip. The credit card was active between 2000 and 2004. Rolls used the purchases to help silence the victim about the abuse.

A copy of the victim's credit report shows Rolls' address associated with hers. The victim alleges that Rolls asked her for help with his credit problems, which is why he wanted the credit card.

The victim alleges that the initial sexual abuse involved sexual touching and other acts until she turned 17, at which point Rolls wanted to perform sexual intercourse. Rolls also took nude photos and videos of the victim with cameras and a cell phone.

During a search warrant execution, investigators confiscated an ipad, which began self-deleting when examiners tried to access the content. According to a probably cause affidavit, Rolls' wife admits to installing a remote command to cause the device to self-delete.

The Ionia County Prosecutor's Office is handling the case because of conflict of interest with Kent County.

Kent Commissioner arraigned on four rape charges
November 22, 2013

GRAND RAPIDS TOWNSHIP, Mich. (WZZM) -- Kent County Commissioner Gary Rolls was formally charged Friday with six felonies, four of them criminal sexual conduct in the first degree, which is punishable by up to life in prison. Rolls is also charged with using a computer to commit a crime and destroying evidence.

Appearing via video from the Kent County Jail, Rolls heard Judge Sara Smolenski read the charges as his lawyer, Jeff O'Hara, listened in her 63rd District Courtroom. In the four CSC charges, the judge said Rolls is accused of coercing the "victim by exerting his authoritative position."

Judge Smolenski set bond at $500,000. Rolls said that the high bond would keep him in jail and prevent him from, "working with my attorney to prove my innocence." Rolls' attorney said his client is innocent of the charges.

The charges, the judge said, involve digital sexual penetration with a girl under 13 sometime between 1994 and 1997; digital sexual penetration with a girl between the ages of 13 and 16 between 1997 and 2000; and cunnilingus and fellatio with the same girl during the same time period.

The alleged victim, now 29, moved to Rolls' Rockford neighborhood when she was 8. She has said the assaults started soon after.

Rolls, a republican, has served on the Kent County Board of Commissioners since 2002, representing a northeast portion of the County. County officials have said the only way he can be removed from office is for Rolls to resign, or be voted out.

$500,000 cash bond set for Commissioner
Kent Co Commissioner Gary Rolls charged Friday
November 22, 2013

GRAND RAPIDS TOWNSHIP, Mich. (WOOD) - A Kent County Commissioner, charged with sexually assaulting an underage girl, had his bond set at $500,000 Friday.

Judge Sara Smolenski set Kent County Commissioner Gary Rolls' bond Friday. This means that if he wants to stay out of jail until the case goes to trial, Rolls will have to come up with $500,000 in cash.

Rolls told the judge he's worried about his ability to work with his attorney if he's locked up.

"Your honor, would it be possible to do a percent bond? Would it be possible?" Rolls asked. "Something that I could potentially manage, so that I could work with my attorney to prove my innocence."

The charges Rolls faces include four counts of Criminal Sexual conduct; each carrying up to life in prison on a conviction. This is serious enough to warrant the high bond, according to District Court Judge Sara Smolenski.

The charges stem from accusation by a woman, now in her 20s and once a friends of Roll's children, saying he began molesting her when she was nine.

Allegations outlined in Personal Protection Order Requests by the victim says the abuse continued until she was sixteen, followed by harassing visits and other contact by Rolls.

Other court documents reveal the victim told investigators that he opened credit cards in their names. They took a trip to Florida together and Rolls gave the victim jewelry and other gifts to keep her quiet.

The alleged Sexual Assaults occurring between 1994 and 2000. In 2001, legislators changed the law and eliminated the Statue of Limitation for First Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct.

County documents later revealed Dawn Rolls, who is Gary Rolls, Jr.'s wife, told investigators that her husband admitted he set up an erasure program on his iPad as state police investigated the accusations.

Rolls is being held at the Ottawa County Jail because of his ties to Kent County.

Rolls' attorney, Jeffrey O'Hara, told 24 Hour News 8 "It is a high bond but the judge made her decision based on the case. Rolls maintains his complete and absolute innocence."

Depending on how long Rolls stays in jail, it could become a case that might result in an empty seat in the Kent County Board Room.

If Rolls is able to come up with the money for bond, he could attend meetings; although some might question his political effectiveness with several felonies hanging over his head.

There is nothing in the law that would allow county commissioners to fire Rolls even if he is convicted. It appears the governor could remove him from office if that happens.

Rolls is scheduled to be back in court in early December for a preliminary hearing.

Kent County leader vows to 'prove my innocence,' held on $500,000 bond in alleged sexual assaults
November 22, 2013

GRAND RAPIDS, MI – Kent County Commissioner Gary Rolls was ordered jailed Friday, Nov. 22, on $500,000 bond for sexual abuse charges that date to 1994.

Rolls appeared stunned by the high bond. He stammered briefly.

"I would respectfully plead with the court to bond … something that I could potentially manage so I could effectively work with my attorney to prove my innocence," he told Grand Rapids Township District Judge Sara Smolenski.

He asked Smolenski to allow him to pay a percentage of his bond for release. She refused.

Rolls, in a green jail smock, was arraigned via video link to the Kent County Correctional Facility where he has been since his arrest Thursday after a Kent County Board of Commissioners’ meeting.

His attorney, Jeffrey O’Hara, said after the hearing: "My client maintains his complete and absolute innocence."

He didn’t want to comment further, but acknowledged, "It’s an awful high bond."

Smolenski said she set bond based on the seriousness of the allegations.

Rolls, 47, is facing four charges of first-degree criminal sexual conduct, potential life offenses if he's convicted, and using a computer to solicit another to tamper with evidence, and tampering with evidence, both 10-year felonies.

Ionia County Prosecutor Ronald Schafer, who is handling the case because of Rolls’ position as a county leader, authorized the charges.

Rolls, a Grattan Township Republican, is accused of having a long-running sexual relationship that began in 1994 when the alleged victim was 9 or 10.

The alleged victim was 28 when she came forward with the allegations in 2012. Rolls is a former neighbor.

She told police that Rolls sexually assaulted her until she was 23. He allegedly took her on a secret vacation to Florida, and bought her jewelry, shoes and purses to keep her quiet. He allegedly obtained a credit card in both of their names to pay for motel rooms.

The alleged victim, who lives in Muskegon, came forward while Rolls was campaiging for re-election in the Republican primary last year. She filed a personal-protection order against him.

The alleged abuse involved sexual touching and other acts, but Rolls forced her to have sexual intercourse when she was 17, the alleged victim told police. She said Rolls also took nude photos and videos, police said in court records.

Police used a search warrant at Rolls’ home in October 2012 and took his iPad, which automatically began deleting memory when examiners tried to look at its contents.

Rolls lives with his wife and three of their children. A fourth is away at college, court records show.

Kent County Commissioner Gary Rolls faces sexual assault charges
Detroit Free Press
November 22, 2013

GRAND RAPIDS — Kent County Commissioner Gary Rolls, 47, was arrested Thursday morning on multiple counts of criminal sexual conduct.

Rolls faces four counts of CSC in the first degree, one count of using a computer to commit a crime, and one count of tampering with evidence.

The Ionia County Prosecutor is handling the case to remove any conflicts of interest between the Kent County Prosecutor and the Kent County Commission. The Ionia County Prosecutor was appointed by the Attorney General's office to the case.

Rolls was booked at the Kent County Jail just before noon Thursday.

The alleged victim took out a personal protection order against Rolls in September 2012. It expired this past September after she did not extend it.

Court records show the victim claimed abuse started at age 12 and continued until she was an adult. She says sex acts with Rolls occurred at his house, while on vacation in hotel rooms, in a public rest room and on Mackinac Island.

The victim also says Rolls was often controlling in what she would wear and pressured her not to wear bras or underwear.

A Michigan State police detective obtained a search warrant for Rolls’ home and his iPad after Rolls' wife, Dawn, reported that "Gary told her he had set up the remote erase of his iPad,'' according to court documents.

Rolls also obtained a credit card in both their names between 2000 and 2004 to pay for hotel rooms and used his credit card to buy gifts for the victim. "Many of these gifts of jewelry were enticements to prevent her from revealing the sexual abuse,'' the detective wrote in the search warrant affidavit. "Rolls took the victim on a trip to Florida in February 2004 without his wife's knowledge and paid for the airplane tickets with a credit card.''

The woman told investigators Rolls started taking nude photos of her about the time she turned 15. Images were taken using a video camera, digital camera and his cell phone. Rolls kept photos in a safe in his house and on his computer, the woman told state police investigators.

Dan Koorndyk, chairman of the County Board, told WZZM 13 on Thursday: "They're serious charges and we're watching just like anyone else to see what happens... this doesn't remove him from office, the only thing that does is if he would resign, or lose an election."

Gary Rolls faces 1st degree CSC charges
Nov 22, 2013

GRAND RAPIDS (WZZM) -- Kent County Commissioner Gary Rolls, 47, was arrested Thursday morning on multiple counts of criminal sexual conduct.

Rolls faces four counts of CSC in the 1st degree, one count of using a computer to commit a crime, and one count of tampering with evidence.

The Ionia County Prosecutor is handling the case to remove any conflicts of interest between the Kent County Prosecutor and the Kent County Commission. The Ionia County Prosecutor was appointed by the Attorney General's office to the case.

Rolls was booked at the Kent County Jail just before noon Thursday.

The alleged victim took out a personal protection order against Rolls in September 2012. It expired this past September after she did not extend it.

Court records show the victim claimed abuse started at age 12 and continued until she was an adult. She claims sex acts with Rolls occurred at his house, while on vacation in hotel rooms, in a public restroom, and on Mackinac Island.

The victim also claims Gary was often controlling in what she would wear and pressured her not to wear bras or underwear.

A Michigan State police detective obtained a search warrant for Rolls home and his iPad after Rolls' wife, Dawn, reported that "Gary told her he had set up the remote erase of his iPad,'' according to court documents.

Rolls also obtained a credit card in both their names between 2000 and 2004 in order to pay for hotel rooms and used his credit card to buy gifts for the victim. "Many of these gifts of jewelry were enticements to prevent her from revealing the sexual abuse,'' the detective wrote in the search warrant affidavit. "Rolls took the victim on a trip to Florida in February, 2004 without his wife's knowledge and paid for the airplane tickets with a credit card.''

The woman told investigators Rolls started taking nude photos of her about the time she turned 15 years old. Images were taken using a video camera, digital camera and his cell phone. Rolls kept photos in a safe in his house and on his computer, the woman told state police investigators.

Dan Koorndyk, chairman of the County Board, told WZZM 13 Thursday:"They're serious charges and we're watching just like anyone else to see what happens... this doesn't remove him from office, the only thing that does is if he would resign, or lose an election."

Kent Co. Commissioner Taken from Meeting in Handcuffs
FOX 17 News
November 21, 2013

KENT COUNTY, Mich. — New video was released Tuesday of Kent County Commissioner Gary Rolls being taken from a meeting in handcuffs.

Rolls faces charges that include criminal sexual conduct, evidence tampering and using a computer to commit a crime. He was arrested Thursday morning when he left the commission chambers towards the end of a meeting.

Allegations first surfaced in late October of 2012 when the woman, then in her late 20s, tried to get a protection order against Rolls.

Then in late 2012 and early 2013, Rolls was in court fighting that protection order from his alleged victim, who claimed that he had been sexually assaulting her and controlling her since she was around 9 years old until she was 23.

Charges Authorized Against Kent County Commissioner
FOX 17 News
November 21, 2013

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. – A warrant has been authorized against Kent County Commissioner Gary Rolls for criminal sexual conduct charges.

A source told FOX 17 News Thursday morning that Rolls will be formally charged with first degree criminal sexual conduct. He is suspected of sexually assaulting a woman when she was a child.

As of 11:00am Thursday morning, he was being processed in the Kent County Jail. FOX 17 spoke with Ionia County Prosecutor Ronald Schafer. He said he was asked to come to Kent County as special counsel because there was a conflict of interest with the Kent County prosecutor’s office.

Since the investigation, which came to light in September of 2012, Rolls had been known to miss a meeting, or several. His attendance history has been pretty spotty the past seven months.

FOX 17 discovered he’d missed six meetings dating back to last September 27th  through January 3rd of 2013. It was back in September 2012 when a 28-year-old woman requested a protection order against Rolls for abuse she claims began when she was 12 years old.

In a previous interview, Kent County commissioner Jim Saalfeld told FOX 17 he believed Rolls’ absences might have been due to his legal issues.

"I think the citizens have the right to understand what that means and I think they also have the right to expect their elected commissioner to be at a meeting," said Saalfeld.

At Thursday’s Kent County Commissioners meeting, Rolls was there, but he showed up late after roll call. He actively listened to discussions from fellow commissioners, but remained quiet, not saying a word. And, as soon as the meeting wrapped up, he split, without a chance for FOX 17 to speak to him.

The Kent County Board of Commissioners office confirmed Rolls has been at every meeting, including the sub committee he sits on, which is the Legislative & Human Resources board, since our investigation, except for that January 3rd session.

Michigan State Police is continuing their investigation into the sexual assault.

Gary Rolls allegedly purchased secret Florida trip, motel visits with sex assault victim
November 21, 2013

GRAND RAPIDS, MI -- Kent County Commissioner Gary Rolls allegedly held a separate credit account with the woman he is accused of sexually assaulting for 13 years so he could purchase a secret trip to Florida for two of them, motel rooms and gifts, according to court documents.

Rolls, 47, was arrested Thursday, Nov. 21, after a board meeting at the county offices in Grand Rapids. He is in jail and is expected to be arraigned Friday in Kent County District Court on four counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct, using a computer to commit a crime and tampering with evidence.

The charges carry a maximum penalty of life in prison if the Grattan Township Republican is convicted. Ionia County Prosecutor Ronald Schafer is handling the case for the state and announced the filing of the charges on Thursday.

The victim, who was 28 when she came forward to authorities in 2012, told police Rolls is her former neighbor. The Muskegon area woman alleged Rolls sexually assaulted her beginning when she was nine or 10 years old, and the misconduct continued until she was 23, court documents state.

The victim said Rolls took her on a trip to Florida in February 2004 without his wife's knowledge.

Rolls obtained a credit card with the victim between 2000 and 2004, using it to pay for hotel and motel rooms they used during the alleged assaults, according to a search warrant documents. He purchased jewelry, shoes and purses for the victim to prevent her from revealing the sexual abuse, documents state.

A copy of the victim's credit report indicated that hers and Rolls' addresses were associated. Rolls allegedly told the victim he needed her assistance with the credit card to help with his own credit problems, according to court documents.

The victim came forward to authorities soon after Rolls won a Republican primary election in 2012. She filed a personal protection order against him.

The woman told police that the abuse consisted of sexual touching and other acts until she was 17, when Rolls forced her to include intercourse to their interactions, documents state.

Rolls allegedly took nude photos and videos of the victim using digital and video cameras and a cell phone.

Police executed a search warrant on Rolls' home in October 2012 and confiscated his iPad, which began automatically deleting its memory when examiners tried to access its content, search warrant documents state. Police believe the device was given a remote command to scrub its memory.

Rolls' wife told police that he told her he set up the remote command to erase the iPad, according to a probable cause affidavit.

Rolls' term runs through 2014. He will remain in office through the end of his term unless he resigns or gets recalled, county election officials said.

Kent County commissioner in jail awaiting arraignment on criminal sexual conduct charges
November 21, 2013

UPDATE: Gary Rolls allegedly purchased secret Florida trip, motel visits with sex assault victim

GRAND RAPIDS, MI – Gary Lynn Rolls sits in the jail he was elected to help oversee as a member of the Kent County Board of Commissioners.

Rolls, 47, awaits arraignment on Friday, Nov. 22, in Kent County District Court on four counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct, using a computer to commit a crime and tampering with evidence.

Rolls was arrested by state police Thursday morning at the Kent County Building in downtown Grand Rapids where he was attending a meeting.

Ionia County Prosecutor Ronald Schafer, handling the case for the state, on Thursday announced the filing of the charges that carry a maximum penalty of life in prison if the Grattan Township Republican is convicted.

A 28-year-old Muskegon County woman alleges Rolls began molesting her when she was 9 years old and began having sex with her at the age of 13.

The detailed allegations came to light a week after Rolls won an August 2012 primary election and later won re-election to his board seat that November. The alleged victim made accusations of prolonged sexual assaults during a Muskegon County Circuit Court hearing regarding a personal protection order the woman had taken out against Rolls.

The woman’s allegations led police to seek a felony arrest warrant against Rolls and also a warrant to search his house.

Police searched Rolls’ home and business and allegedly seized computers, an iPad, disks, papers and other items.

Rolls has also been charged with tampering with evidence in alleged attempt to destroy some items sought by law enforcement. Police allege that a remote command was given to Rolls’ iPad to erase information after it was seized by police.

The woman says the abuse continued with threats until she was 26 and included instances of Rolls burning her with a car cigarette lighter and showing her pictures of female genital mutilation.

Rolls attorney John Karafa of Muskegon was not immediately available for comment but has dismissed the woman’s allegations as "highly suspect" and "categorically denied as untrue."

Rolls has missed numerous County Commission meetings, but he remains a commissioner and a member of the board’s Finance and Physical Resources Committee which is charged with overseeing the operation of the Kent County Jail.

Rolls represents the city of Lowell and the townships of northeast Kent County.

How Gary Rolls arrest went down: Kent County colleague calls it 'dignified'
November 21, 2013

GRAND RAPIDS, MI - Kent County Commissioner Gary Rolls was taken into custody "in a dignified way" after a board meeting Thursday morning, according to a colleague.

Commissioner Tom Antor, R-Sparta, said he noticed state police at county offices in Grand Rapids when he left the meeting to use the restroom.

"I ascertained they were there to pick up Gary," said Antor, a former police officer with Sparta and Grand Rapids Public Schools. "I asked them if they could do it in a dignified way, and they did."

Antor said he walked Rolls, 47, out of the meeting and watched as Rolls was approached by the officers outside the chamber, taken to a side room and then taken away.

"It kind of caught everybody off guard," Antor said. "My heart goes out to his family. I'm hoping he's innocent. I'm hoping he has his day in court."

Rolls, R-Grattan Township, is being charged with four counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct, using a computer to commit a crime and tampering with evidence.

Allegations of the sexual misconduct came to light in 2012 – after Rolls won a Republican primary election – when a 28-year-old Muskegon-area woman claimed Rolls had sexually assaulted her for years, with sexual touching beginning at age 9.

Rolls' attorney previously has said the allegations are untrue.

Ionia County Prosecutor Ron Schafer has been appointed to handle the case because of a potential conflict with Kent County prosecutors.

"Whether he's guilty or not you feel badly for his family," said County Commissioner Jim Talen, D-Grand Rapids. "They are going to go through a very difficult time. Nobody wants that for anybody."

Rolls in November 2012 got two-thirds of the vote to win re-election to the county board representing Lowell and Cannon, Grattan, Oakfield and Vergennes townships. That term runs through 2014.

County elections officials said there’s nothing that forces Rolls to be removed from office even if he cannot attend board meetings.

"He’s an elected commissioner until he resigns, is recalled or loses an election," County Administrator Daryl Delabbio said.

Former Kent County Commissioner Jim Vaughn was in office in 2009 when he was convicted on misdemeanor assault and domestic violence charges. He lost his re-election bid in the 2010 Democratic primary.

Kent County Commissioner Gary Rolls arrested outside meeting, to be charged with sex assault
November 21, 2013

GRAND RAPIDS, MI -- Kent County Commissioner Gary Rolls was arrested Thursday, Nov. 21 outside a county meeting and is expected to be charged with multiple counts of criminal sexual conduct involving a Muskegon area woman, authorities said.

Ionia County Prosecutor Ron Schafer, appointed to handle the case because of a potential conflict with Kent County prosecutors, issued a statement Thursday about the charges.

Rolls, of Grattan Township, is being charged with four counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct, using a computer to commit a crime and tampering with evidence.

Allegations of the sexual misconduct came to light in 2012 when a 28-year-old woman came forward to claim Rolls had sexually assaulted her for years, with sexual touching beginning at age 9.

Rolls was re-elected to the Kent County Board of Commissioners in November 2012.

Rolls' attorney earlier said the allegations were untrue.

Kent County Commissioner Rolls arrested
Gary Rolls, Jr. facing sexual assault charges
Thursday, November 21, 2013

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) - Embattled Kent County Commissioner Gary Rolls, Jr., accused in a personal protection order of harassing and sexually assaulting a Muskegon-area woman for years, was arrested by Michigan State Police Thursday morning.

The Grattan Township Republican was reportedly picked up during a meeting at the Kent County building in downtown Grand Rapids.

The Ionia County Prosecutor's Office, appointed by the Michigan Attorney General's Office as a special prosecutor to handle the case because of Rolls, Jr.'s ties to Kent County, issued a six-count criminal complaint against him.

The complaint included four counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct, which could result in up to life in prison for Rolls, Jr., if convicted.

Rolls, Jr. was also charged with using a computer to commit a crime, and tampering with evidence.

The accusation of sexual assault went on for several years, but it was unclear if the statute of limitations had run out on the case.

County documents later revealed Dawn Rolls, who is Gary Rolls, Jr.'s wife, told investigators that her husband admitted he set up an erasure program on his iPad as state police investigated the accusations.

Kent County Commissioner Rolls arrested
Nov 21, 2013

Kent County Commissioner Rolls arrested
Nov 21, 2013

Kent County commissioner in jail awaiting arraignment on criminal sexual conduct charges
Nov 21, 2013

GRAND RAPIDS, MI – Gary Lynn Rolls sits in the jail he was elected to help oversee as a member of the Kent County Board of Commissioners.

Rolls, 47, awaits arraignment on Friday, Nov. 22, in Kent County District Court on four counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct, using a computer to commit a crime and tampering with evidence.

Rolls was arrested by state police Thursday morning at the Kent County Building in downtown Grand Rapids where he was attending a meeting.

Ionia County Prosecutor Ronald Schafer, handling the case for the state, on Thursday announced the filing of the charges that carry a maximum penalty of life in prison if the Grattan Township Republican is convicted.

A 28-year-old Muskegon County woman alleges Rolls began molesting her when she was 9 years old and began having sex with her at the age of 13.

The detailed allegations came to light a week after Rolls won an August 2012 primary election and later won re-election to his board seat that November. The alleged victim made accusations of prolonged sexual assaults during a Muskegon County Circuit Court hearing regarding a personal protection order the woman had taken out against Rolls.

The woman’s allegations led police to seek a felony arrest warrant against Rolls and also a warrant to search his house.

Police searched Rolls’ home and business and allegedly seized computers, an iPad, disks, papers and other items.

Rolls has also been charged with tampering with evidence in alleged attempt to destroy some items sought by law enforcement. Police allege that a remote command was given to Rolls' iPad to erase information after it was seized by police.

The woman says the abuse continued with threats until she was 26 and included instances of Rolls burning her with a car cigarette lighter and showing her pictures of female genital mutilation.

Rolls attorney John Karafa of Muskegon was not immediately available for comment but has dismissed the woman’s allegations as “highly suspect” and “categorically denied as untrue.”

Rolls has missed numerous County Commission meetings, but he remains a commissioner and a member of the board’s Finance and Physical Resources Committee which is charged with overseeing the operation of the Kent County Jail.

Rolls represents the city of Lowell and the townships of northeast Kent County.

How Gary Rolls arrest went down: Kent County colleague calls it 'dignified'
November 21, 2013

GRAND RAPIDS, MI - Kent County Commissioner Gary Rolls was taken into custody “in a dignified way” after a board meeting Thursday morning, according to a colleague.

Commissioner Tom Antor, R-Sparta, said he noticed state police at county offices in Grand Rapids when he left the meeting to use the restroom.

"I ascertained they were there to pick up Gary," said Antor, a former police officer with Sparta and Grand Rapids Public Schools. "I asked them if they could do it in a dignified way, and they did.”

Antor said he walked Rolls, 47, out of the meeting and watched as Rolls was approached by the officers outside the chamber, taken to a side room and then taken away.

"It kind of caught everybody off guard,” Antor said. “My heart goes out to his family. I'm hoping he's innocent. I'm hoping he has his day in court."

Rolls, R-Grattan Township, is being charged with four counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct, using a computer to commit a crime and tampering with evidence.

Allegations of the sexual misconduct came to light in 2012 – after Rolls won a Republican primary election – when a 28-year-old Muskegon-area woman claimed Rolls had sexually assaulted her for years, with sexual touching beginning at age 9.

Rolls' attorney previously has said the allegations are untrue.

Ionia County Prosecutor Ron Schafer has been appointed to handle the case because of a potential conflict with Kent County prosecutors.

"Whether he's guilty or not you feel badly for his family," said County Commissioner Jim Talen, D-Grand Rapids. "They are going to go through a very difficult time. Nobody wants that for anybody."

Rolls in November 2012 got two-thirds of the vote to win re-election to the county board representing Lowell and Cannon, Grattan, Oakfield and Vergennes townships. That term runs through 2014.

County elections officials said there’s nothing that forces Rolls to be removed from office even if he cannot attend board meetings.

“He’s an elected commissioner until he resigns, is recalled or loses an election,” County Administrator Daryl Delabbio said.

Former Kent County Commissioner Jim Vaughn was in office in 2009 when he was convicted on misdemeanor assault and domestic violence charges. He lost his re-election bid in the 2010 Democratic primary.

Kent County Commissioner Gary Rolls arrested outside meeting, to be charged with sex assault
Nov 21, 2013

GRAND RAPIDS, MI -- Kent County Commissioner Gary Rolls was arrested Thursday, Nov. 21 outside a county meeting and is expected to be charged with multiple counts of criminal sexual conduct involving a Muskegon area woman, authorities said.

Ionia County Prosecutor Ron Schafer, appointed to handle the case because of a potential conflict with Kent County prosecutors, issued a statement Thursday about the charges.

Rolls, of Grattan Township, is being charged with four counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct, using a computer to commit a crime and tampering with evidence.

Allegations of the sexual misconduct came to light in 2012 when a 28-year-old woman came forward to claim Rolls had sexually assaulted her for years, with sexual touching beginning at age 9.

Rolls was re-elected to the Kent County Board of Commissioners in November 2012.

Gary Rolls allegedly purchased secret Florida trip, motel visits with sex assault victim
Nov 21, 2013

GRAND RAPIDS, MI -- Kent County Commissioner Gary Rolls allegedly held a separate credit account with the woman he is accused of sexually assaulting for 13 years so he could purchase a secret trip to Florida for two of them, motel rooms and gifts, according to court documents.

Rolls, 47, was arrested Thursday, Nov. 21, after a board meeting at the county offices in Grand Rapids. He is in jail and is expected to be arraigned Friday in Kent County District Court on four counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct, using a computer to commit a crime and tampering with evidence.

The charges carry a maximum penalty of life in prison if the Grattan Township Republican is convicted. Ionia County Prosecutor Ronald Schafer is handling the case for the state and announced the filing of the charges on Thursday.

The victim, who was 28 when she came forward to authorities in 2012, told police Rolls is her former neighbor. The Muskegon area woman alleged Rolls sexually assaulted her beginning when she was nine or 10 years old, and the misconduct continued until she was 23, court documents state.

The victim said Rolls took her on a trip to Florida in February 2004 without his wife's knowledge.

Rolls obtained a credit card with the victim between 2000 and 2004, using it to pay for hotel and motel rooms they used during the alleged assaults, according to a search warrant documents. He purchased jewelry, shoes and purses for the victim to prevent her from revealing the sexual abuse, documents state.

A copy of the victim's credit report indicated that hers and Rolls' addresses were associated. Rolls allegedly told the victim he needed her assistance with the credit card to help with his own credit problems, according to court documents.

The victim came forward to authorities soon after Rolls won a Republican primary election in 2012. She filed a personal protection order against him.

The woman told police that the abuse consisted of sexual touching and other acts until she was 17, when Rolls forced her to include intercourse to their interactions, documents state.

Rolls allegedly took nude photos and videos of the victim using digital and video cameras and a cell phone.

Police executed a search warrant on Rolls' home in October 2012 and confiscated his iPad, which began automatically deleting its memory when examiners tried to access its content, search warrant documents state. Police believe the device was given a remote command to scrub its memory.

Rolls' wife told police that he told her he set up the remote command to erase the iPad, according to a probable cause affidavit.

Rolls' term runs through 2014. He will remain in office through the end of his term unless he resigns or gets recalled, county election officials said.