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APRIL 26, 2005: Detroit Deputy Police Chief Robert Dunlap, allegedly violated a personal protective order and called his ex-girlfriend...twice.
"It's not over," Deputy Chief Dunlap, told his ex-girlfriend....a day after the Judge had dismissed PPO violation charges against him.
Charges were refiled against Dunlap.
Woman says cop just won't let her go
Deputy police chief due in court today
June 23, 2005
Detroit Free Press, MI - 18 hours ago
A deputy Detroit police chief, accused of violating a personal protection order involving a 28-year-old woman, is scheduled to appear in court today to tell his side of the story.
Deputy Chief Robert Dunlap, a 19-year veteran, is asking that the case be dismissed. He was arraigned Tuesday in front of Wayne County Circuit Judge Carole Youngblood on a charge of violating the protection order in April.
"I fully expect my client to be vindicated," Dunlap's lawyer, Todd Russell Perkins, said in a news release. He declined to comment further.
The woman alleges she and Dunlap had been dating. Dunlap, who is married and oversees the department's Western Operations section, declined comment. He is not suspended, a police spokesman said.
Wayne County prosecutors declined to release details.
"The PPO enjoins him from having any contact with the alleged victim in the case," said Maria Miller, a spokeswoman for the Prosecutor's Office.
Dunlap was promoted to deputy chief from commander of the 11th (Davison) Precinct in April.
He could face jail time if the judge determines he violated the order.
The case was dismissed once on April 25 and refiled after the woman said Dunlap called her twice the next day, stating, "It's not over yet."
Dunlap denies calling her.
This guy works for the Wayne County Sheriff Office in Michigan as of 2023. In the last few years there he has been sued for the same behavior.