Also See:
Officer Marvin Gene Petty charged with domestic violence [ July 04, 2007]
Fired Heights police officer gets job back
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Muskegon Chronicle
MUSKEGON HEIGHTS -- A police officer fired in February after pleading guilty to first-offense domestic violence -- a crime committed while he was on duty in uniform -- has gotten his job back with the Muskegon Heights Police Department.
Marvin Gene Petty will resume his road patrol duties in about two weeks, said Police Chief Clif Johnson. Petty also will receive back pay, but not for the entire time he was off work.
A grievance over the firing had been filed through the Police Officers Association of Michigan, the union representing Muskegon Heights patrol officers.
City Attorney Ted Williams said the ruling that gave Petty his job back came from a labor arbitrator from the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service. The ruling was received in late October.
The victim of the domestic violence incident was a woman with whom Petty had a dating relationship. He stopped at her home while on duty, and the two got into an argument.
Sixtieth District Judge Maria Ladas Hoopes suspended a 93-day jail sentence for Petty on the misdemeanor offense, placed him on probation for six months and ordered counseling. He also had to pay fines and costs.
Petty successfully completed his court-ordered probation, and under the terms of the plea, the conviction has been expunged.
Cop fired after guilty plea to domestic violence
Friday, February 29, 2008
By John S. Hausman
The Muskegon Chronicle
MUSKEGON COUNTY -- A Muskegon Heights police officer pleaded guilty Thursday to first-offense domestic violence, under a provision that leaves him with no criminal conviction if he successfully completes mandatory counseling and commits no further offenses during a probationary period.
Officer Marvin Gene Petty committed the assault while on duty and in uniform July 4.
Petty was fired after his guilty plea, Police Chief Clif Johnson said. Johnson said he would not rehire Petty even if the ex-officer successfully completes probation. Johnson declined to comment further, except to call the situation "unfortunate."
Petty, 41, of Roosevelt Park had been on unpaid leave from his job since shortly after the incident.
The victim was a woman with whom Petty had a "dating relationship," according to the court file.
After Petty was charged last July, prosecutors said the allegation was that Petty stopped at the woman's Muskegon home in the 1900 block of Jefferson Street while he was on duty. The two argued, and Petty struck her in the leg with an object police believe was a collapsible baton. She did not sustain any injuries and did not report the incident immediately to Muskegon police, authorities said.
When authorities in Muskegon Heights found out about the allegation, Johnson asked State Police to investigate and suspended Petty.
Petty pleaded guilty as charged to first-offense domestic violence, a misdemeanor.
In cases like Petty's where the defendant has no prior assaultive record, the law allows the judge to defer further proceedings and place the defendant on probation, including an order to undergo mandatory counseling, and then dismiss the case if he successfully completes probation. That provision requires the consent of the prosecutor's office in consultation with the victim, who agreed to it in this case.
After Petty's guilty plea, Muskegon County 60th District Judge Maria Ladas Hoopes sentenced him to 93 days in jail but suspended that sentence, placed him on probation for six months, including the counseling program, and ordered him to pay $500 in fines and costs in monthly $100 payments starting March 28.
The Chronicle Thursday afternoon was unable to reach Petty's attorney, Redford-based George Julian Mertz, assistant general counsel of the Police Officers Association of Michigan, for comment.
POAM is the labor union representing Muskegon Heights police officers.
Officer pleads to charge of domestic violence
Published: Thursday, February 28, 2008, 11:53 PM
Updated: Thursday, February 28, 2008, 11:54 PM
By John S. Hausman
The Muskegon Chronicle
A Muskegon Heights police officer pleaded guilty Thursday to first-offense domestic violence, under a provision that leaves him with no criminal conviction if he successfully completes mandatory counseling and commits no further offenses during a probationary period.

Officer Marvin Petty
Officer Marvin Gene Petty committed the assault while on duty and in uniform July 4.
Petty was fired after his guilty plea, Police Chief Clif Johnson said. Johnson said he would not rehire Petty even if the ex-officer successfully completes probation.
Johnson declined to comment further, except to call the situation "unfortunate."
Petty, 41, of Roosevelt Park had been on unpaid leave from his job since shortly after the incident.
The victim was a woman with whom Petty had a "dating relationship," according to the court file.
After Petty was charged last July, prosecutors said the allegation was that Petty stopped at the woman's Muskegon home in the 1900 block of Jefferson Street while he was on duty. The two argued, and Petty struck her in the leg with an object police believe was a collapsible baton. She did not sustain any injuries and did not report the incident immediately to Muskegon police, authorities said.
When authorities in Muskegon Heights found out about the allegation, Johnson asked Michigan State Police to investigate and suspended Petty.
Petty pleaded guilty as charged to first-offense domestic violence, a misdemeanor.
In cases like Petty's where the defendant has no prior assaultive record, the law allows the judge to defer further proceedings and place the defendant on probation, including an order to undergo mandatory counseling, and then dismiss the case if he successfully completes probation. That provision requires the consent of the prosecutor's office in consultation with the victim, who agreed to it in this case.
After Petty's guilty plea, Muskegon County 60th District Judge Maria Ladas Hoopes sentenced him to 93 days in jail but suspended that sentence; placed him on probation for six months, including the counseling program; and ordered him to pay $500 in fines and costs, in monthly $100 payments starting March 28.
The Chronicle Thursday afternoon was unable to reach Petty's attorney, Redford-based George Julian Mertz, assistant general counsel of the Police Officers Association of Michigan, for comment. POAM is the labor union representing Muskegon Heights police officers.