Thursday, May 27, 2021

05272021 - Wayne County Judge Tracy Green - MI Judicial Tenure Commission Hearings: Green's Coverup Of Son's/Gary Davis-Headd's Abuse Of Her Grandsons


During his  (Gary Davis-Headd's) sentencing in October of 2019, his first wife, Choree Bressler,  told the court he used his mother's connections to protect him. 
( "Commission wants judge who lied for child abuser son be disbarred" . FOX 2 News - Detroit. August 05, 2022.)

Pending Formal Complaints and Recent Supreme Court Decisions
Complaint No. 103, Hon. Tracy E. Green, 3rd Circuit Court
Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission
November 10, 2020

The formal complaint may be accessed by clicking here

The Commission has extended the period for respondent to answer the formal complaint to December 31, 2020. The order granting the extension may be accessed by clicking here.

Judge Green's answer to the formal complaint may be accessed by clicking here

The Michigan Supreme Court's order appointing a Master in the proceedings may be accessed by clicking here

The Master's scheduling order regarding the formal hearing may be accessed by clicking here

The hearing time for May 27, 2021, has been revised to 10:30 a.m. (from the previously scheduled time of 9:30); the Master's order reflecting that change may be accessed by clicking here

The formal hearing starting on May 27, 2021 at 10:30 a.m., will be available to view live on the Judicial Tenure Commission's YouTube channel at the following link. 

The formal proceedings set for June 14, 2021, in FC 103, have been adjourned by the Master. No proceedings will be held on that date. A revised scheduling order will be forthcoming.

Hon. Betty Widgeon, Master in the formal proceedings, has issued an amended scheduling order. The order may be accessed by clicking here

Hon. Betty Widgeon, Master in the formal proceedings, has issued a third amended scheduling order regarding the formal hearing in this matter. The order may be accessed by clicking here

Hon. Betty Widgeon, Master in the formal proceedings, has issued a fourth amended scheduling order. The order sets additional hearing dates on August 23, August 26, and September 17 (from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. each day). The proceedings can be viewed via the Commission's YouTube channel at the link listed above. The order may be accessed by clicking here

Hon. Betty Widgeon, Master in the formal proceedings, has canceled the proceedings scheduled for August 26, 2021. The next hearing date is September 17, 2021.

Hon. Betty Widgeon, Master in the formal proceedings, has added September 22 and September 27 as hearing dates in this matter (in addition to September 17, which had already been scheduled). The proceedings will be available to view on the Commission's YouTube channel using the link above. The amended scheduling order adding the dates may be accessed by clicking here

The formal proceedings scheduled for Friday, September 17, 2021, will start at 1:00 p.m. (as opposed to 9:30, as previously scheduled). The proceedings will be broadcast on the Commission's YouTube channel

By order of the Master, the formal proceedings scheduled for Wednesday, September 22 have been canceled. The hearing will continue at 9:30 a.m. on September 24, September 27 (as set in an earlier order), and on October 13, 2021. The order may be accessed by clicking here. The hearing will continue to be held remotely, and will be available to view on the Commission's YouTube channel

By order of the Master, the formal proceedings in this matter will continue on October 29, 2021. The hearing will be in person but will not be accessible to the public (due to courthouse restrictions). The public can view the hearing on the Commission's YouTube channel.  In addition, an additional formal hearing date has been reserved, if needed. That day is November 19, 2021. Those proceedings will be livestreamed as well.

The Master in these proceedings has issued an order allowing Disciplinary Counsel to file an amended complaint, which may be accessed by clicking here

Respondent has filed an answer to the amended complaint (including affirmative and other defenses), which can be accessed by clicking here

The closing arguments in this matter will be held on December 1, 2021. The arguments will be broadcast on the Commission's YouTube channel

During the formal hearing, some testimony was taken under a separate record that the Master subsequently determined should be part of the record. The video for those proceedings was not on the Commission's YouTube channel, so the transcripts of those separate records are included here to insure the public has access to those proceedings. The applicable portions of the record may be accessed by clicking on the following: 

The oral argument before the Commission will be on Monday, June 13 at 10:00 a.m. and can be viewed at the following link

Disciplinary Counsel's proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law may be accessed by clicking here. Appendix A to the document may be accessed by clicking here.  Appendix B to the document may be accessed by clicking here

Respondent's proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law may be accessed by clicking here

Disciplinary Counsel's reply to respondent's proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law may be accessed by clicking here

Respondent's response to Disciplinary Counsel's proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law may be accessed by clicking here

The Master's report may be accessed by clicking here.

A notice of hearing as to the oral argument before the Commission may be accessed by clicking here. Please be advised that permission for film and electronic media coverage should be requested by June 8, 2022, using the form available using the form available by clicking here. After completion, the form should be emailed to the Commission at: 

Disciplinary Counsel's brief in support of and in opposition to the Master's report may be accessed by clicking here

Respondent's objections to the Master's report may be accessed by clicking here

Disciplinary Counsel's response brief may be accessed by clicking here

Respondent's response brief may be accessed by clicking here

The Commission's Decision and Recommendation may be accessed by clicking here

Commission Recommendations
Pending Before the Michigan Supreme Court

(The Commission's Decisions and Recommendations in the respective cases may be accessed above.)

The Commission has issued its Decision and Recommendation in FC 103 as to Hon. Tracy Green, 3rd Circuit Court. Proceedings will continue before the Supreme Court pursuant to MCR 9.251 and 9.252.

FC 103 Hearing Day 1 - Judge Tracy Green Complaint No. 103
Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission
May 27, 2021

FC 103 Hearing Day 2 - Judge Tracy Green Complaint No. 103
Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission
June 28, 2021

Judge Tracy Green Complaint No. 103
Fourth Amended Scheduling Order
Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission
July 14, 2021

FC 103 Hearing Day 3 - Judge Tracy Green Complaint No. 103
Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission
July 21, 2021

FC 103 Hearing Day 4 - Judge Tracy Green Complaint No. 103
Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission
August 06, 2021
FC 103 Hearing Day 5 - Judge Tracy Green Complaint No. 103
Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission
August 23, 2021

State of Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission Annual Report 2020
CASE SUMMARIES: FC No. 103, Hon. Tracy E. Green – 3rd Circuit Court (Wayne County)
September 14, 2021

FC 103 Hearing Day 6 - Judge Tracy Green Complaint No. 103
Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission
September 17, 2021

FC 103 Hearing Day 6 - Judge Tracy Green Complaint No. 103
Separate Record - Pages 1183-1193
Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission
September 17, 2021

FC 103 Hearing Day 7 - Judge Tracy Green Complaint No. 103
Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission
September 24, 2021

FC 103 Hearing Day 7 - Judge Tracy Green Complaint No. 103
Separate Record
Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission
September 24, 2021

FC 103 Hearing Day 8 - Judge Tracy Green Complaint No. 103
Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission
September 27, 2021

FC 103 Hearing Day 8 - Judge Tracy Green Complaint No. 103
Separate Record
Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission
September 27, 2021

Amended Complaint - Judge Tracy Green Complaint No. 103
Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission
September 27, 2021
The Master in these proceedings has issued an order allowing Disciplinary Counsel to file an amended complaint

FC 103 Hearing Day 9 - Judge Tracy Green Complaint No. 103
Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission
October 13, 2021

FC 103 Hearing Day 10 - Judge Tracy Green Complaint No. 103
Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission
October 29, 2021

Judge Tracy Green's answer to amended complaint - Judge Tracy Green Complaint No. 103
Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission
November 17, 2021

FC 103 Hearing Day 11 (Part #1) - Judge Tracy Green Complaint No. 103
Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission
November 19, 2021

FC 103 Hearing Day 11 (Part #2) - Judge Tracy Green Complaint No. 103
Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission
November 19, 2021

FC 103 Hearing Day 11 (Part #3)- Judge Tracy Green Complaint No. 103
Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission
November 19, 2021

FC 103 Hearing Day 11 (Part #4) - Judge Tracy Green Complaint No. 103
Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission
November 19, 2021

FC 103 Hearing Day 11 (Part #5) - Judge Tracy Green Complaint No. 103
Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission
November 19, 2021

FC 103 Closing Arguments - Judge Tracy Green Complaint No. 103
Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission
December 01, 2021

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